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3141. Maximum Hamming Distances 🔒


Given an array nums and an integer m, with each element nums[i] satisfying 0 <= nums[i] < 2m, return an array answer. The answer array should be of the same length as nums, where each element answer[i] represents the maximum Hamming distance between nums[i] and any other element nums[j] in the array.

The Hamming distance between two binary integers is defined as the number of positions at which the corresponding bits differ (add leading zeroes if needed).


Example 1:

Input: nums = [9,12,9,11], m = 4

Output: [2,3,2,3]


The binary representation of nums = [1001,1100,1001,1011].

The maximum hamming distances for each index are:

  • nums[0]: 1001 and 1100 have a distance of 2.
  • nums[1]: 1100 and 1011 have a distance of 3.
  • nums[2]: 1001 and 1100 have a distance of 2.
  • nums[3]: 1011 and 1100 have a distance of 3.

Example 2:

Input: nums = [3,4,6,10], m = 4

Output: [3,3,2,3]


The binary representation of nums = [0011,0100,0110,1010].

The maximum hamming distances for each index are:

  • nums[0]: 0011 and 0100 have a distance of 3.
  • nums[1]: 0100 and 0011 have a distance of 3.
  • nums[2]: 0110 and 1010 have a distance of 2.
  • nums[3]: 1010 and 0100 have a distance of 3.



  • 1 <= m <= 17
  • 2 <= nums.length <= 2m
  • 0 <= nums[i] < 2m


Solution 1: Reverse Thinking + BFS

The problem requires us to find the maximum Hamming distance between each element and other elements in the array. We can think in reverse: for each element, we take its complement and find the minimum Hamming distance to other elements in the array. Then, the maximum Hamming distance we are looking for is $m$ minus this minimum Hamming distance.

We can use Breadth-First Search (BFS) to find the minimum Hamming distance from each complemented element to other elements.

The specific steps are as follows:

  1. Initialize an array $\text{dist}$ with a length of $2^m$ to record the minimum Hamming distance from each complemented element to other elements. Initially, all are set to $-1$.
  2. Traverse the array $\text{nums}$, set the complement of each element to $0$, and add it to the queue $\text{q}$.
  3. Starting from $k = 1$, continuously traverse the queue $\text{q}$. Each time, take out the elements in the queue, perform $m$ complement operations on them, add the complemented elements to the queue $\text{t}$, and set the minimum Hamming distance to the original element to $k$.
  4. Repeat step 3 until the queue is empty.

Finally, we traverse the array $\text{nums}$, take the complement of each element as the index, and take out the corresponding minimum Hamming distance from the $\text{dist}$ array. Then, $m$ minus this value is the maximum Hamming distance we are looking for.

The time complexity is $O(2^m)$, and the space complexity is $O(2^m)$, where $m$ is the integer given in the problem.

  • class Solution {
        public int[] maxHammingDistances(int[] nums, int m) {
            int[] dist = new int[1 << m];
            Arrays.fill(dist, -1);
            Deque<Integer> q = new ArrayDeque<>();
            for (int x : nums) {
                dist[x] = 0;
            for (int k = 1; !q.isEmpty(); ++k) {
                for (int t = q.size(); t > 0; --t) {
                    int x = q.poll();
                    for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
                        int y = x ^ (1 << i);
                        if (dist[y] == -1) {
                            dist[y] = k;
            for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; ++i) {
                nums[i] = m - dist[nums[i] ^ ((1 << m) - 1)];
            return nums;
  • class Solution {
        vector<int> maxHammingDistances(vector<int>& nums, int m) {
            int dist[1 << m];
            memset(dist, -1, sizeof(dist));
            queue<int> q;
            for (int x : nums) {
                dist[x] = 0;
            for (int k = 1; q.size(); ++k) {
                for (int t = q.size(); t; --t) {
                    int x = q.front();
                    for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
                        int y = x ^ (1 << i);
                        if (dist[y] == -1) {
                            dist[y] = k;
            for (int& x : nums) {
                x = m - dist[x ^ ((1 << m) - 1)];
            return nums;
  • class Solution:
        def maxHammingDistances(self, nums: List[int], m: int) -> List[int]:
            dist = [-1] * (1 << m)
            for x in nums:
                dist[x] = 0
            q = nums
            k = 1
            while q:
                t = []
                for x in q:
                    for i in range(m):
                        y = x ^ (1 << i)
                        if dist[y] == -1:
                            dist[y] = k
                q = t
                k += 1
            return [m - dist[x ^ ((1 << m) - 1)] for x in nums]
  • func maxHammingDistances(nums []int, m int) []int {
    	dist := make([]int, 1<<m)
    	for i := range dist {
    		dist[i] = -1
    	q := []int{}
    	for _, x := range nums {
    		dist[x] = 0
    		q = append(q, x)
    	for k := 1; len(q) > 0; k++ {
    		t := []int{}
    		for _, x := range q {
    			for i := 0; i < m; i++ {
    				y := x ^ (1 << i)
    				if dist[y] == -1 {
    					dist[y] = k
    					t = append(t, y)
    		q = t
    	for i, x := range nums {
    		nums[i] = m - dist[x^(1<<m-1)]
    	return nums
  • function maxHammingDistances(nums: number[], m: number): number[] {
        const dist: number[] = Array.from({ length: 1 << m }, () => -1);
        const q: number[] = [];
        for (const x of nums) {
            dist[x] = 0;
        for (let k = 1; q.length; ++k) {
            const t: number[] = [];
            for (const x of q) {
                for (let i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
                    const y = x ^ (1 << i);
                    if (dist[y] === -1) {
                        dist[y] = k;
            q.splice(0, q.length, ...t);
        for (let i = 0; i < nums.length; ++i) {
            nums[i] = m - dist[nums[i] ^ ((1 << m) - 1)];
        return nums;

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