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2665. Counter II


Write a function createCounter. It should accept an initial integer init. It should return an object with three functions.

The three functions are:

  • increment() increases the current value by 1 and then returns it.
  • decrement() reduces the current value by 1 and then returns it.
  • reset() sets the current value to init and then returns it.


Example 1:

Input: init = 5, calls = ["increment","reset","decrement"]
Output: [6,5,4]
const counter = createCounter(5);
counter.increment(); // 6
counter.reset(); // 5
counter.decrement(); // 4

Example 2:

Input: init = 0, calls = ["increment","increment","decrement","reset","reset"]
Output: [1,2,1,0,0]
const counter = createCounter(0);
counter.increment(); // 1
counter.increment(); // 2
counter.decrement(); // 1
counter.reset(); // 0
counter.reset(); // 0



  • -1000 <= init <= 1000
  • total calls not to exceed 1000


  • type ReturnObj = {
        increment: () => number;
        decrement: () => number;
        reset: () => number;
    function createCounter(init: number): ReturnObj {
        let val = init;
        return {
            increment() {
                return ++val;
            decrement() {
                return --val;
            reset() {
                return (val = init);
     * const counter = createCounter(5)
     * counter.increment(); // 6
     * counter.reset(); // 5
     * counter.decrement(); // 4

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