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2480. Form a Chemical Bond


Table: Elements

| Column Name | Type    |
| symbol      | varchar |
| type        | enum    |
| electrons   | int     |
symbol is the primary key for this table.
Each row of this table contains information of one element.
type is an ENUM of type ('Metal', 'Nonmetal', 'Noble')
 - If type is Noble, electrons is 0.
 - If type is Metal, electrons is the number of electrons that one atom of this element can give.
 - If type is Nonmetal, electrons is the number of electrons that one atom of this element needs.


Two elements can form a bond if one of them is 'Metal' and the other is 'Nonmetal'.

Write an SQL query to find all the pairs of elements that can form a bond.

Return the result table in any order.

The query result format is in the following example.


Example 1:

Elements table:
| symbol | type     | electrons |
| He     | Noble    | 0         |
| Na     | Metal    | 1         |
| Ca     | Metal    | 2         |
| La     | Metal    | 3         |
| Cl     | Nonmetal | 1         |
| O      | Nonmetal | 2         |
| N      | Nonmetal | 3         |
| metal | nonmetal |
| La    | Cl       |
| Ca    | Cl       |
| Na    | Cl       |
| La    | O        |
| Ca    | O        |
| Na    | O        |
| La    | N        |
| Ca    | N        |
| Na    | N        |
Metal elements are La, Ca, and Na.
Nonmeal elements are Cl, O, and N.
Each Metal element pairs with a Nonmetal element in the output table.


  • # Write your MySQL query statement below
    SELECT a.symbol AS metal, b.symbol AS nonmetal
        Elements AS a,
        Elements AS b
    WHERE a.type = 'Metal' AND b.type = 'Nonmetal';

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