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Formatted question description: https://leetcode.ca/all/2289.html

2289. Steps to Make Array Non-decreasing

  • Difficulty: Medium.
  • Related Topics: Array, Linked List, Stack, Monotonic Stack.
  • Similar Questions: Remove One Element to Make the Array Strictly Increasing.


You are given a 0-indexed integer array nums. In one step, remove all elements nums[i] where nums[i - 1] > nums[i] for all 0 < i < nums.length.

Return the number of steps performed until **nums becomes a non-decreasing array**.

  Example 1:

Input: nums = [5,3,4,4,7,3,6,11,8,5,11]
Output: 3
Explanation: The following are the steps performed:
- Step 1: [5,3,4,4,7,3,6,11,8,5,11] becomes [5,4,4,7,6,11,11]
- Step 2: [5,4,4,7,6,11,11] becomes [5,4,7,11,11]
- Step 3: [5,4,7,11,11] becomes [5,7,11,11]
[5,7,11,11] is a non-decreasing array. Therefore, we return 3.

Example 2:

Input: nums = [4,5,7,7,13]
Output: 0
Explanation: nums is already a non-decreasing array. Therefore, we return 0.


  • 1 <= nums.length <= 105

  • 1 <= nums[i] <= 109

Solution (Java, C++, Python)

  • class Solution {
        public int totalSteps(int[] nums) {
            int max = 0;
            int[] pos = new int[nums.length + 1];
            int[] steps = new int[nums.length + 1];
            int top = -1;
            for (int i = 0; i <= nums.length; i++) {
                int val = i == nums.length ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : nums[i];
                while (top >= 0 && nums[pos[top]] <= val) {
                    if (top == 0) {
                        max = Math.max(max, steps[pos[top--]]);
                    } else {
                        steps[pos[--top]] = Math.max(steps[pos[top]] + 1, steps[pos[top + 1]]);
                pos[++top] = i;
            return max;
    class Solution {
        public int totalSteps(int[] nums) {
            Deque<Integer> stk = new ArrayDeque<>();
            int ans = 0;
            int n = nums.length;
            int[] dp = new int[n];
            for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
                while (!stk.isEmpty() && nums[i] > nums[stk.peek()]) {
                    dp[i] = Math.max(dp[i] + 1, dp[stk.pop()]);
                    ans = Math.max(ans, dp[i]);
            return ans;
  • class Solution:
        def totalSteps(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
            stk = []
            ans, n = 0, len(nums)
            dp = [0] * n
            for i in range(n - 1, -1, -1):
                while stk and nums[i] > nums[stk[-1]]:
                    dp[i] = max(dp[i] + 1, dp[stk.pop()])
            return max(dp)
    # 2289. Steps to Make Array Non-decreasing
    # https://leetcode.com/problems/steps-to-make-array-non-decreasing
    from sortedcontainers import SortedList
    class Solution:
        def totalSteps(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
            nums = [float('-inf')] + nums + [float('inf')]
            res = 0
            sl = SortedList([(i, x) for i, x in enumerate(nums)])
            p = set()
            for i, (a, b) in enumerate(zip(nums, nums[1:])):
                if a > b:
                    p.add((i + 1, b))
            while p:
                newP = set()
                res += 1
                for j, b in p:
                    index = sl.bisect_left((j, b))
                    i, a = sl[index - 1]
                    k, c = sl[index + 1]
                    del sl[index]
                    if a > c and (k, c) not in p:
                        newP.add((k, c))
                p = newP
            return res
  • class Solution {
        int totalSteps(vector<int>& nums) {
            stack<int> stk;
            int ans = 0, n = nums.size();
            vector<int> dp(n);
            for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
                while (!stk.empty() && nums[i] > nums[stk.top()]) {
                    dp[i] = max(dp[i] + 1, dp[stk.top()]);
                    ans = max(ans, dp[i]);
            return ans;
  • func totalSteps(nums []int) int {
    	stk := []int{}
    	ans, n := 0, len(nums)
    	dp := make([]int, n)
    	for i := n - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
    		for len(stk) > 0 && nums[i] > nums[stk[len(stk)-1]] {
    			dp[i] = max(dp[i]+1, dp[stk[len(stk)-1]])
    			stk = stk[:len(stk)-1]
    			ans = max(ans, dp[i])
    		stk = append(stk, i)
    	return ans
    func max(a, b int) int {
    	if a > b {
    		return a
    	return b
  • function totalSteps(nums: number[]): number {
        let ans = 0;
        let stack = [];
        for (let num of nums) {
            let max = 0;
            while (stack.length && stack[0][0] <= num) {
                max = Math.max(stack[0][1], max);
            if (stack.length) max++;
            ans = Math.max(max, ans);
            stack.unshift([num, max]);
        return ans;




  • Time complexity : O(n).
  • Space complexity : O(n).

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