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1468. Calculate Salaries


Table Salaries:

| Column Name   | Type    |
| company_id    | int     |
| employee_id   | int     |
| employee_name | varchar |
| salary        | int     |
In SQL,(company_id, employee_id) is the primary key for this table.
This table contains the company id, the id, the name, and the salary for an employee.


Find the salaries of the employees after applying taxes. Round the salary to the nearest integer.

The tax rate is calculated for each company based on the following criteria:

  • 0% If the max salary of any employee in the company is less than $1000.
  • 24% If the max salary of any employee in the company is in the range [1000, 10000] inclusive.
  • 49% If the max salary of any employee in the company is greater than $10000.

Return the result table in any order.

The result format is in the following example.


Example 1:

Salaries table:
| company_id | employee_id | employee_name | salary |
| 1          | 1           | Tony          | 2000   |
| 1          | 2           | Pronub        | 21300  |
| 1          | 3           | Tyrrox        | 10800  |
| 2          | 1           | Pam           | 300    |
| 2          | 7           | Bassem        | 450    |
| 2          | 9           | Hermione      | 700    |
| 3          | 7           | Bocaben       | 100    |
| 3          | 2           | Ognjen        | 2200   |
| 3          | 13          | Nyancat       | 3300   |
| 3          | 15          | Morninngcat   | 7777   |
| company_id | employee_id | employee_name | salary |
| 1          | 1           | Tony          | 1020   |
| 1          | 2           | Pronub        | 10863  |
| 1          | 3           | Tyrrox        | 5508   |
| 2          | 1           | Pam           | 300    |
| 2          | 7           | Bassem        | 450    |
| 2          | 9           | Hermione      | 700    |
| 3          | 7           | Bocaben       | 76     |
| 3          | 2           | Ognjen        | 1672   |
| 3          | 13          | Nyancat       | 2508   |
| 3          | 15          | Morninngcat   | 5911   |
For company 1, Max salary is 21300. Employees in company 1 have taxes = 49%
For company 2, Max salary is 700. Employees in company 2 have taxes = 0%
For company 3, Max salary is 7777. Employees in company 3 have taxes = 24%
The salary after taxes = salary - (taxes percentage / 100) * salary
For example, Salary for Morninngcat (3, 15) after taxes = 7777 - 7777 * (24 / 100) = 7777 - 1866.48 = 5910.52, which is rounded to 5911.


  • # Write your MySQL query statement below
                WHEN top < 1000 THEN salary
                WHEN top >= 1000
                AND top <= 10000 THEN salary * 0.76
                ELSE salary * 0.51
        ) AS salary
        Salaries AS s
        JOIN (
            SELECT company_id, MAX(salary) AS top
            FROM Salaries
            GROUP BY company_id
        ) AS t
            ON s.company_id = t.company_id;

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