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1276. Number of Burgers with No Waste of Ingredients
Given two integers tomatoSlices
and cheeseSlices
. The ingredients of different burgers are as follows:
- Jumbo Burger:
tomato slices and1
cheese slice. - Small Burger:
Tomato slices and1
cheese slice.
Return [total_jumbo, total_small]
so that the number of remaining tomatoSlices
equal to 0
and the number of remaining cheeseSlices
equal to 0
. If it is not possible to make the remaining tomatoSlices
and cheeseSlices
equal to 0
return []
Example 1:
Input: tomatoSlices = 16, cheeseSlices = 7 Output: [1,6] Explantion: To make one jumbo burger and 6 small burgers we need 4*1 + 2*6 = 16 tomato and 1 + 6 = 7 cheese. There will be no remaining ingredients.
Example 2:
Input: tomatoSlices = 17, cheeseSlices = 4 Output: [] Explantion: There will be no way to use all ingredients to make small and jumbo burgers.
Example 3:
Input: tomatoSlices = 4, cheeseSlices = 17 Output: [] Explantion: Making 1 jumbo burger there will be 16 cheese remaining and making 2 small burgers there will be 15 cheese remaining.
0 <= tomatoSlices, cheeseSlices <= 107
Solution 1: Mathematics
We set the number of Jumbo Burgers as
Transforming the above two equations, we can get:
The time complexity is
class Solution { public List<Integer> numOfBurgers(int tomatoSlices, int cheeseSlices) { int k = 4 * cheeseSlices - tomatoSlices; int y = k / 2; int x = cheeseSlices - y; return k % 2 != 0 || y < 0 || x < 0 ? List.of() : List.of(x, y); } }
class Solution { public: vector<int> numOfBurgers(int tomatoSlices, int cheeseSlices) { int k = 4 * cheeseSlices - tomatoSlices; int y = k / 2; int x = cheeseSlices - y; return k % 2 || x < 0 || y < 0 ? vector<int>{} : vector<int>{x, y}; } };
class Solution: def numOfBurgers(self, tomatoSlices: int, cheeseSlices: int) -> List[int]: k = 4 * cheeseSlices - tomatoSlices y = k // 2 x = cheeseSlices - y return [] if k % 2 or y < 0 or x < 0 else [x, y]
func numOfBurgers(tomatoSlices int, cheeseSlices int) []int { k := 4*cheeseSlices - tomatoSlices y := k / 2 x := cheeseSlices - y if k%2 != 0 || x < 0 || y < 0 { return []int{} } return []int{x, y} }
function numOfBurgers(tomatoSlices: number, cheeseSlices: number): number[] { const k = 4 * cheeseSlices - tomatoSlices; const y = k >> 1; const x = cheeseSlices - y; return k % 2 || y < 0 || x < 0 ? [] : [x, y]; }
impl Solution { pub fn num_of_burgers(tomato_slices: i32, cheese_slices: i32) -> Vec<i32> { let k = 4 * cheese_slices - tomato_slices; let y = k / 2; let x = cheese_slices - y; if k % 2 != 0 || y < 0 || x < 0 { Vec::new() } else { vec![x, y] } } }