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1164. Product Price at a Given Date


Table: Products

| Column Name   | Type    |
| product_id    | int     |
| new_price     | int     |
| change_date   | date    |
(product_id, change_date) is the primary key (combination of columns with unique values) of this table.
Each row of this table indicates that the price of some product was changed to a new price at some date.


Write a solution to find the prices of all products on 2019-08-16. Assume the price of all products before any change is 10.

Return the result table in any order.

The result format is in the following example.


Example 1:

Products table:
| product_id | new_price | change_date |
| 1          | 20        | 2019-08-14  |
| 2          | 50        | 2019-08-14  |
| 1          | 30        | 2019-08-15  |
| 1          | 35        | 2019-08-16  |
| 2          | 65        | 2019-08-17  |
| 3          | 20        | 2019-08-18  |
| product_id | price |
| 2          | 50    |
| 1          | 35    |
| 3          | 10    |


Solution 1: Subquery + Join

We can use a subquery to find the price of the last price change for each product before the given date, and record it in the P table. Then, we can find all product_ids in the T table. Finally, we can left join the T table with the P table on product_id to get the final result.

  • # Write your MySQL query statement below
        T AS (SELECT DISTINCT product_id FROM Products),
        P AS (
            SELECT product_id, new_price AS price
            FROM Products
                (product_id, change_date) IN (
                    SELECT product_id, MAX(change_date) AS change_date
                    FROM Products
                    WHERE change_date <= '2019-08-16'
                    GROUP BY 1
    SELECT product_id, IFNULL(price, 10) AS price
        LEFT JOIN P USING (product_id);

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