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767. Reorganize String


Given a string s, rearrange the characters of s so that any two adjacent characters are not the same.

Return any possible rearrangement of s or return "" if not possible.


Example 1:

Input: s = "aab"
Output: "aba"

Example 2:

Input: s = "aaab"
Output: ""



  • 1 <= s.length <= 500
  • s consists of lowercase English letters.


  • class Solution {
        public String reorganizeString(String s) {
            int[] cnt = new int[26];
            int mx = 0;
            for (char c : s.toCharArray()) {
                int t = c - 'a';
                mx = Math.max(mx, cnt[t]);
            int n = s.length();
            if (mx > (n + 1) / 2) {
                return "";
            int k = 0;
            for (int v : cnt) {
                if (v > 0) {
            int[][] m = new int[k][2];
            k = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 26; ++i) {
                if (cnt[i] > 0) {
                    m[k++] = new int[] {cnt[i], i};
            Arrays.sort(m, (a, b) -> b[0] - a[0]);
            k = 0;
            StringBuilder ans = new StringBuilder(s);
            for (int[] e : m) {
                int v = e[0], i = e[1];
                while (v-- > 0) {
                    ans.setCharAt(k, (char) ('a' + i));
                    k += 2;
                    if (k >= n) {
                        k = 1;
            return ans.toString();
  • class Solution {
        string reorganizeString(string s) {
            vector<int> cnt(26);
            for (char& c : s) ++cnt[c - 'a'];
            int mx = *max_element(cnt.begin(), cnt.end());
            int n = s.size();
            if (mx > (n + 1) / 2) return "";
            vector<vector<int>> m;
            for (int i = 0; i < 26; ++i) {
                if (cnt[i]) m.push_back({cnt[i], i});
            sort(m.begin(), m.end());
            reverse(m.begin(), m.end());
            string ans = s;
            int k = 0;
            for (auto& e : m) {
                int v = e[0], i = e[1];
                while (v--) {
                    ans[k] = 'a' + i;
                    k += 2;
                    if (k >= n) k = 1;
            return ans;
  • class Solution:
        def reorganizeString(self, s: str) -> str:
            n = len(s)
            cnt = Counter(s)
            mx = max(cnt.values())
            if mx > (n + 1) // 2:
                return ''
            i = 0
            ans = [None] * n
            for k, v in cnt.most_common():
                while v:
                    ans[i] = k
                    v -= 1
                    i += 2
                    if i >= n:
                        i = 1
            return ''.join(ans)
  • func reorganizeString(s string) string {
    	cnt := make([]int, 26)
    	for _, c := range s {
    		t := c - 'a'
    	mx := slices.Max(cnt)
    	n := len(s)
    	if mx > (n+1)/2 {
    		return ""
    	m := [][]int{}
    	for i, v := range cnt {
    		if v > 0 {
    			m = append(m, []int{v, i})
    	sort.Slice(m, func(i, j int) bool {
    		return m[i][0] > m[j][0]
    	ans := make([]byte, n)
    	k := 0
    	for _, e := range m {
    		v, i := e[0], e[1]
    		for v > 0 {
    			ans[k] = byte('a' + i)
    			k += 2
    			if k >= n {
    				k = 1
    	return string(ans)
  • use std::collections::{ HashMap, BinaryHeap, VecDeque };
    impl Solution {
        pub fn reorganize_string(s: String) -> String {
            let mut map = HashMap::new();
            let mut pq = BinaryHeap::new();
            let mut ret = String::new();
            let mut queue = VecDeque::new();
            let n = s.len();
            // Initialize the HashMap
            for c in s.chars() {
                    .and_modify(|e| {
                        *e += 1;
            // Initialize the binary heap
            for (k, v) in map.iter() {
                if 2 * *v - 1 > n {
                    return "".to_string();
                } else {
                    pq.push((*v, *k));
            while !pq.is_empty() {
                let (v, k) = pq.pop().unwrap();
                queue.push_back((v - 1, k));
                if queue.len() == 2 {
                    let (v, k) = queue.pop_front().unwrap();
                    if v != 0 {
                        pq.push((v, k));
            if ret.len() == n {
            } else {

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