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290. Word Pattern


Given a pattern and a string s, find if s follows the same pattern.

Here follow means a full match, such that there is a bijection between a letter in pattern and a non-empty word in s.


Example 1:

Input: pattern = "abba", s = "dog cat cat dog"
Output: true

Example 2:

Input: pattern = "abba", s = "dog cat cat fish"
Output: false

Example 3:

Input: pattern = "aaaa", s = "dog cat cat dog"
Output: false



  • 1 <= pattern.length <= 300
  • pattern contains only lower-case English letters.
  • 1 <= s.length <= 3000
  • s contains only lowercase English letters and spaces ' '.
  • s does not contain any leading or trailing spaces.
  • All the words in s are separated by a single space.


Solution 1: Hash Table

First, we split the string $s$ into a word array $ws$ with spaces. If the length of $pattern$ and $ws$ is not equal, return false directly. Otherwise, we use two hash tables $d_1$ and $d_2$ to record the correspondence between each character and word in $pattern$ and $ws$.

Then, we traverse $pattern$ and $ws$. For each character $a$ and word $b$, if there is a mapping for $a$ in $d_1$, and the mapped word is not $b$, or there is a mapping for $b$ in $d_2$, and the mapped character is not $a$, return false. Otherwise, we add the mapping of $a$ and $b$ to $d_1$ and $d_2$ respectively.

After the traversal, return true.

The time complexity is $O(m + n)$ and the space complexity is $O(m + n)$. Here $m$ and $n$ are the length of $pattern$ and string $s$.

  • class Solution {
        public boolean wordPattern(String pattern, String s) {
            String[] ws = s.split(" ");
            if (pattern.length() != ws.length) {
                return false;
            Map<Character, String> d1 = new HashMap<>();
            Map<String, Character> d2 = new HashMap<>();
            for (int i = 0; i < ws.length; ++i) {
                char a = pattern.charAt(i);
                String b = ws[i];
                if (!d1.getOrDefault(a, b).equals(b) || d2.getOrDefault(b, a) != a) {
                    return false;
                d1.put(a, b);
                d2.put(b, a);
            return true;
  • class Solution {
        bool wordPattern(string pattern, string s) {
            istringstream is(s);
            vector<string> ws;
            while (is >> s) {
            if (pattern.size() != ws.size()) {
                return false;
            unordered_map<char, string> d1;
            unordered_map<string, char> d2;
            for (int i = 0; i < ws.size(); ++i) {
                char a = pattern[i];
                string b = ws[i];
                if ((d1.count(a) && d1[a] != b) || (d2.count(b) && d2[b] != a)) {
                    return false;
                d1[a] = b;
                d2[b] = a;
            return true;
  • '''
    >>> p = "abba"
    >>> s = "dog cat cat dog".split()
    >>> s
    ['dog', 'cat', 'cat', 'dog']
    >>> zip(p,s)
    [('a', 'dog'), ('b', 'cat'), ('b', 'cat'), ('a', 'dog')]
    >>> set(zip(p,s))
    set([('b', 'cat'), ('a', 'dog')])
    >>> s = "dog dog dog dog".split() # then false for: len(set(pattern)) == len(set(str))
    >>> zip(p,s)
    [('a', 'dog'), ('b', 'dog'), ('b', 'dog'), ('a', 'dog')]
    >>> set(zip(p,s))
    set([('a', 'dog'), ('b', 'dog')])
    class Solution(object):
        def wordPattern(self, pattern, s):
            :type pattern: str
            :type s: str
            :rtype: bool
            s = s.split()
            a = zip(pattern, s)
            return len(pattern) == len(s) and len(set(a)) == len(set(pattern)) == len(set(s))
    class Solution:
        def wordPattern(self, pattern: str, s: str) -> bool:
            s = s.split(' ')
            n = len(pattern)
            if n != len(s):
                return False
            c2str, str2c = defaultdict(), defaultdict()
            for i in range(n):
                k, v = pattern[i], s[i]
                if k in c2str and c2str[k] != v:
                    return False
                if v in str2c and str2c[v] != k:
                    return False
                c2str[k], str2c[v] = v, k
            return True
  • func wordPattern(pattern string, s string) bool {
    	ws := strings.Split(s, " ")
    	if len(ws) != len(pattern) {
    		return false
    	d1 := map[rune]string{}
    	d2 := map[string]rune{}
    	for i, a := range pattern {
    		b := ws[i]
    		if v, ok := d1[a]; ok && v != b {
    			return false
    		if v, ok := d2[b]; ok && v != a {
    			return false
    		d1[a] = b
    		d2[b] = a
    	return true
  • function wordPattern(pattern: string, s: string): boolean {
        const ws = s.split(' ');
        if (pattern.length !== ws.length) {
            return false;
        const d1 = new Map<string, string>();
        const d2 = new Map<string, string>();
        for (let i = 0; i < pattern.length; ++i) {
            const a = pattern[i];
            const b = ws[i];
            if (d1.has(a) && d1.get(a) !== b) {
                return false;
            if (d2.has(b) && d2.get(b) !== a) {
                return false;
            d1.set(a, b);
            d2.set(b, a);
        return true;
  • public class Solution {
        public bool WordPattern(string pattern, string s) {
            var ws = s.Split(' ');
            if (pattern.Length != ws.Length) {
                return false;
            var d1 = new Dictionary<char, string>();
            var d2 = new Dictionary<string, char>();
            for (int i = 0; i < ws.Length; ++i) {
                var a = pattern[i];
                var b = ws[i];
                if (d1.ContainsKey(a) && d1[a] != b) {
                    return false;
                if (d2.ContainsKey(b) && d2[b] != a) {
                    return false;
                d1[a] = b;
                d2[b] = a;
            return true;
  • use std::collections::HashMap;
    impl Solution {
        pub fn word_pattern(pattern: String, s: String) -> bool {
            let cs1: Vec<char> = pattern.chars().collect();
            let cs2: Vec<&str> = s.split_whitespace().collect();
            let n = cs1.len();
            if n != cs2.len() {
                return false;
            let mut map1 = HashMap::new();
            let mut map2 = HashMap::new();
            for i in 0..n {
                let c = cs1[i];
                let s = cs2[i];
                if !map1.contains_key(&c) {
                    map1.insert(c, i);
                if !map2.contains_key(&s) {
                    map2.insert(s, i);
                if map1.get(&c) != map2.get(&s) {
                    return false;

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