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3465. Find Products with Valid Serial Numbers


Table: products

\| Column Name  \| Type       \|
\| product_id   \| int        \|
\| product_name \| varchar    \|
\| description  \| varchar    \|
(product_id) is the unique key for this table.
Each row in the table represents a product with its unique ID, name, and description.

Write a solution to find all products whose description contains a valid serial number pattern. A valid serial number follows these rules:

  • It starts with the letters SN (case-sensitive).
  • Followed by exactly 4 digits.
  • It must have a hyphen (-) followed by exactly 4 digits.
  • The serial number must be within the description (it may not necessarily start at the beginning).

Return the result table ordered by product_id in ascending order.

The result format is in the following example.




products table:

\| product_id \| product_name \| description                                          \|
\| 1          \| Widget A     \| This is a sample product with SN1234-5678            \|
\| 2          \| Widget B     \| A product with serial SN9876-1234 in the description \|
\| 3          \| Widget C     \| Product SN1234-56789 is available now                \|
\| 4          \| Widget D     \| No serial number here                                \|
\| 5          \| Widget E     \| Check out SN4321-8765 in this description            \|


\| product_id \| product_name \| description                                          \|
\| 1          \| Widget A     \| This is a sample product with SN1234-5678            \|
\| 2          \| Widget B     \| A product with serial SN9876-1234 in the description \|
\| 5          \| Widget E     \| Check out SN4321-8765 in this description            \|


  • Product 1: Valid serial number SN1234-5678
  • Product 2: Valid serial number SN9876-1234
  • Product 3: Invalid serial number SN1234-56789 (contains 5 digits after the hyphen)
  • Product 4: No serial number in the description
  • Product 5: Valid serial number SN4321-8765

The result table is ordered by product_id in ascending order.


Solution 1: Regex Matching

According to the problem statement, we need to find all products that contain a valid serial number, and the rules for a valid serial number are:

  • Starts with SN (case-sensitive).
  • Followed by 4 digits.
  • Must have a hyphen -, followed by 4 digits.

Based on the above rules, we can use a regular expression to match valid serial numbers, then filter out the products that contain valid serial numbers, and finally sort them in ascending order by product_id.

  • import pandas as pd
    def find_valid_serial_products(products: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
        valid_pattern = r"\bSN[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}\b"
        valid_products = products[
            products["description"].str.contains(valid_pattern, regex=True)
        valid_products = valid_products.sort_values(by="product_id")
        return valid_products
  • # Write your MySQL query statement below
    SELECT product_id, product_name, description
    FROM products
    WHERE description REGEXP '\\bSN[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}\\b'
    ORDER BY 1;

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