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3412. Find Mirror Score of a String
You are given a string s
We define the mirror of a letter in the English alphabet as its corresponding letter when the alphabet is reversed. For example, the mirror of 'a'
is 'z'
, and the mirror of 'y'
is 'b'
Initially, all characters in the string s
are unmarked.
You start with a score of 0, and you perform the following process on the string s
- Iterate through the string from left to right.
- At each index
, find the closest unmarked indexj
such thatj < i
is the mirror ofs[i]
. Then, mark both indicesi
, and add the valuei - j
to the total score. - If no such index
exists for the indexi
, move on to the next index without making any changes.
Return the total score at the end of the process.
Example 1:
Input: s = "aczzx"
Output: 5
i = 0
. There is no indexj
that satisfies the conditions, so we skip.i = 1
. There is no indexj
that satisfies the conditions, so we skip.i = 2
. The closest indexj
that satisfies the conditions isj = 0
, so we mark both indices 0 and 2, and then add2 - 0 = 2
to the score.i = 3
. There is no indexj
that satisfies the conditions, so we skip.i = 4
. The closest indexj
that satisfies the conditions isj = 1
, so we mark both indices 1 and 4, and then add4 - 1 = 3
to the score.
Example 2:
Input: s = "abcdef"
Output: 0
For each index i
, there is no index j
that satisfies the conditions.
1 <= s.length <= 105
consists only of lowercase English letters.
Solution 1: Hash Table
We can use a hash table
We traverse the string
The time complexity is
class Solution { public long calculateScore(String s) { Map<Character, List<Integer>> d = new HashMap<>(26); int n = s.length(); long ans = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { char x = s.charAt(i); char y = (char) ('a' + 'z' - x); if (d.containsKey(y)) { var ls = d.get(y); int j = ls.remove(ls.size() - 1); if (ls.isEmpty()) { d.remove(y); } ans += i - j; } else { d.computeIfAbsent(x, k -> new ArrayList<>()).add(i); } } return ans; } }
class Solution { public: long long calculateScore(string s) { unordered_map<char, vector<int>> d; int n = s.length(); long long ans = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { char x = s[i]; char y = 'a' + 'z' - x; if (d.contains(y)) { vector<int>& ls = d[y]; int j = ls.back(); ls.pop_back(); if (ls.empty()) { d.erase(y); } ans += i - j; } else { d[x].push_back(i); } } return ans; } };
class Solution: def calculateScore(self, s: str) -> int: d = defaultdict(list) ans = 0 for i, x in enumerate(s): y = chr(ord("a") + ord("z") - ord(x)) if d[y]: j = d[y].pop() ans += i - j else: d[x].append(i) return ans
func calculateScore(s string) (ans int64) { d := make(map[rune][]int) for i, x := range s { y := 'a' + 'z' - x if ls, ok := d[y]; ok { j := ls[len(ls)-1] d[y] = ls[:len(ls)-1] if len(d[y]) == 0 { delete(d, y) } ans += int64(i - j) } else { d[x] = append(d[x], i) } } return }
function calculateScore(s: string): number { const d: Map<string, number[]> = new Map(); const n = s.length; let ans = 0; for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { const x = s[i]; const y = String.fromCharCode('a'.charCodeAt(0) + 'z'.charCodeAt(0) - x.charCodeAt(0)); if (d.has(y)) { const ls = d.get(y)!; const j = ls.pop()!; if (ls.length === 0) { d.delete(y); } ans += i - j; } else { if (!d.has(x)) { d.set(x, []); } d.get(x)!.push(i); } } return ans; }