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3385. Minimum Time to Break Locks II 🔒


Bob is stuck in a dungeon and must break n locks, each requiring some amount of energy to break. The required energy for each lock is stored in an array called strength where strength[i] indicates the energy needed to break the ith lock.

To break a lock, Bob uses a sword with the following characteristics:

  • The initial energy of the sword is 0.
  • The initial factor X by which the energy of the sword increases is 1.
  • Every minute, the energy of the sword increases by the current factor X.
  • To break the ith lock, the energy of the sword must reach at least strength[i].
  • After breaking a lock, the energy of the sword resets to 0, and the factor X increases by 1.

Your task is to determine the minimum time in minutes required for Bob to break all n locks and escape the dungeon.

Return the minimum time required for Bob to break all n locks.


Example 1:

Input: strength = [3,4,1]

Output: 4


Time Energy X Action Updated X
0 0 1 Nothing 1
1 1 1 Break 3rd Lock 2
2 2 2 Nothing 2
3 4 2 Break 2nd Lock 3
4 3 3 Break 1st Lock 3

The locks cannot be broken in less than 4 minutes; thus, the answer is 4.

Example 2:

Input: strength = [2,5,4]

Output: 6


Time Energy X Action Updated X
0 0 1 Nothing 1
1 1 1 Nothing 1
2 2 1 Break 1st Lock 2
3 2 2 Nothing 2
4 4 2 Break 3rd Lock 3
5 3 3 Nothing 3
6 6 3 Break 2nd Lock 4

The locks cannot be broken in less than 6 minutes; thus, the answer is 6.



  • n == strength.length
  • 1 <= n <= 80
  • 1 <= strength[i] <= 106
  • n == strength.length


Solution 1

  • class MCFGraph {
        static class Edge {
            int src, dst, cap, flow, cost;
            Edge(int src, int dst, int cap, int flow, int cost) {
                this.src = src;
                this.dst = dst;
                this.cap = cap;
                this.flow = flow;
                this.cost = cost;
        static class _Edge {
            int dst, cap, cost;
            _Edge rev;
            _Edge(int dst, int cap, int cost) {
                this.dst = dst;
                this.cap = cap;
                this.cost = cost;
                this.rev = null;
        private int n;
        private List<List<_Edge>> graph;
        private List<_Edge> edges;
        public MCFGraph(int n) {
            this.n = n;
            this.graph = new ArrayList<>();
            this.edges = new ArrayList<>();
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                graph.add(new ArrayList<>());
        public int addEdge(int src, int dst, int cap, int cost) {
            assert (0 <= src && src < n);
            assert (0 <= dst && dst < n);
            assert (0 <= cap);
            int m = edges.size();
            _Edge e = new _Edge(dst, cap, cost);
            _Edge re = new _Edge(src, 0, -cost);
            e.rev = re;
            re.rev = e;
            return m;
        public Edge getEdge(int i) {
            assert (0 <= i && i < edges.size());
            _Edge e = edges.get(i);
            _Edge re = e.rev;
            return new Edge(re.dst, e.dst, e.cap + re.cap, re.cap, e.cost);
        public List<Edge> edges() {
            List<Edge> result = new ArrayList<>();
            for (int i = 0; i < edges.size(); i++) {
            return result;
        public int[] flow(int s, int t, Integer flowLimit) {
            List<int[]> result = slope(s, t, flowLimit);
            return result.get(result.size() - 1);
        public List<int[]> slope(int s, int t, Integer flowLimit) {
            assert (0 <= s && s < n);
            assert (0 <= t && t < n);
            assert (s != t);
            if (flowLimit == null) {
                flowLimit = graph.get(s).stream().mapToInt(e -> e.cap).sum();
            int[] dual = new int[n];
            Tuple[] prev = new Tuple[n];
            List<int[]> result = new ArrayList<>();
            result.add(new int[] {0, 0});
            while (true) {
                if (!refineDual(s, t, dual, prev)) {
                int f = flowLimit;
                int v = t;
                while (prev[v] != null) {
                    Tuple tuple = prev[v];
                    int u = tuple.first;
                    _Edge e = tuple.second;
                    f = Math.min(f, e.cap);
                    v = u;
                v = t;
                while (prev[v] != null) {
                    Tuple tuple = prev[v];
                    int u = tuple.first;
                    _Edge e = tuple.second;
                    e.cap -= f;
                    e.rev.cap += f;
                    v = u;
                int c = -dual[s];
                result.add(new int[] {
                    result.get(result.size() - 1)[0] + f, result.get(result.size() - 1)[1] + f * c});
                if (c == result.get(result.size() - 2)[1]) {
                    result.remove(result.size() - 2);
            return result;
        private boolean refineDual(int s, int t, int[] dual, Tuple[] prev) {
            PriorityQueue<int[]> pq = new PriorityQueue<>(Comparator.comparingInt(a -> a[0]));
            pq.add(new int[] {0, s});
            boolean[] visited = new boolean[n];
            Integer[] dist = new Integer[n];
            Arrays.fill(dist, null);
            dist[s] = 0;
            while (!pq.isEmpty()) {
                int[] current = pq.poll();
                int distV = current[0];
                int v = current[1];
                if (visited[v]) continue;
                visited[v] = true;
                if (v == t) break;
                int dualV = dual[v];
                for (_Edge e : graph.get(v)) {
                    int w = e.dst;
                    if (visited[w] || e.cap == 0) continue;
                    int reducedCost = e.cost - dual[w] + dualV;
                    int newDist = distV + reducedCost;
                    Integer distW = dist[w];
                    if (distW == null || newDist < distW) {
                        dist[w] = newDist;
                        prev[w] = new Tuple(v, e);
                        pq.add(new int[] {newDist, w});
            if (!visited[t]) return false;
            int distT = dist[t];
            for (int v = 0; v < n; v++) {
                if (visited[v]) {
                    dual[v] -= distT - dist[v];
            return true;
        static class Tuple {
            int first;
            _Edge second;
            Tuple(int first, _Edge second) {
                this.first = first;
                this.second = second;
    class Solution {
        public int findMinimumTime(int[] strength) {
            int n = strength.length;
            int s = n * 2;
            int t = s + 1;
            MCFGraph g = new MCFGraph(t + 1);
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                g.addEdge(s, i, 1, 0);
                g.addEdge(i + n, t, 1, 0);
                for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                    g.addEdge(i, j + n, 1, (strength[i] - 1) / (j + 1) + 1);
            return g.flow(s, t, n)[1];
  • class MCFGraph:
        class Edge(NamedTuple):
            src: int
            dst: int
            cap: int
            flow: int
            cost: int
        class _Edge:
            def __init__(self, dst: int, cap: int, cost: int) -> None:
                self.dst = dst
                self.cap = cap
                self.cost = cost
                self.rev: Optional[MCFGraph._Edge] = None
        def __init__(self, n: int) -> None:
            self._n = n
            self._g: List[List[MCFGraph._Edge]] = [[] for _ in range(n)]
            self._edges: List[MCFGraph._Edge] = []
        def add_edge(self, src: int, dst: int, cap: int, cost: int) -> int:
            assert 0 <= src < self._n
            assert 0 <= dst < self._n
            assert 0 <= cap
            m = len(self._edges)
            e = MCFGraph._Edge(dst, cap, cost)
            re = MCFGraph._Edge(src, 0, -cost)
            e.rev = re
            re.rev = e
            return m
        def get_edge(self, i: int) -> Edge:
            assert 0 <= i < len(self._edges)
            e = self._edges[i]
            re = cast(MCFGraph._Edge, e.rev)
            return MCFGraph.Edge(re.dst, e.dst, e.cap + re.cap, re.cap, e.cost)
        def edges(self) -> List[Edge]:
            return [self.get_edge(i) for i in range(len(self._edges))]
        def flow(self, s: int, t: int, flow_limit: Optional[int] = None) -> Tuple[int, int]:
            return self.slope(s, t, flow_limit)[-1]
        def slope(
            self, s: int, t: int, flow_limit: Optional[int] = None
        ) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]:
            assert 0 <= s < self._n
            assert 0 <= t < self._n
            assert s != t
            if flow_limit is None:
                flow_limit = cast(int, sum(e.cap for e in self._g[s]))
            dual = [0] * self._n
            prev: List[Optional[Tuple[int, MCFGraph._Edge]]] = [None] * self._n
            def refine_dual() -> bool:
                pq = [(0, s)]
                visited = [False] * self._n
                dist: List[Optional[int]] = [None] * self._n
                dist[s] = 0
                while pq:
                    dist_v, v = heappop(pq)
                    if visited[v]:
                    visited[v] = True
                    if v == t:
                    dual_v = dual[v]
                    for e in self._g[v]:
                        w = e.dst
                        if visited[w] or e.cap == 0:
                        reduced_cost = e.cost - dual[w] + dual_v
                        new_dist = dist_v + reduced_cost
                        dist_w = dist[w]
                        if dist_w is None or new_dist < dist_w:
                            dist[w] = new_dist
                            prev[w] = v, e
                            heappush(pq, (new_dist, w))
                    return False
                dist_t = dist[t]
                for v in range(self._n):
                    if visited[v]:
                        dual[v] -= cast(int, dist_t) - cast(int, dist[v])
                return True
            flow = 0
            cost = 0
            prev_cost_per_flow: Optional[int] = None
            result = [(flow, cost)]
            while flow < flow_limit:
                if not refine_dual():
                f = flow_limit - flow
                v = t
                while prev[v] is not None:
                    u, e = cast(Tuple[int, MCFGraph._Edge], prev[v])
                    f = min(f, e.cap)
                    v = u
                v = t
                while prev[v] is not None:
                    u, e = cast(Tuple[int, MCFGraph._Edge], prev[v])
                    e.cap -= f
                    assert e.rev is not None
                    e.rev.cap += f
                    v = u
                c = -dual[s]
                flow += f
                cost += f * c
                if c == prev_cost_per_flow:
                result.append((flow, cost))
                prev_cost_per_flow = c
            return result
    class Solution:
        def findMinimumTime(self, a: List[int]) -> int:
            n = len(a)
            s = n * 2
            t = s + 1
            g = MCFGraph(t + 1)
            for i in range(n):
                g.add_edge(s, i, 1, 0)
                g.add_edge(i + n, t, 1, 0)
                for j in range(n):
                    g.add_edge(i, j + n, 1, (a[i] - 1) // (j + 1) + 1)
            return g.flow(s, t, n)[1]

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