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3348. Smallest Divisible Digit Product II


You are given a string num which represents a positive integer, and an integer t.

A number is called zero-free if none of its digits are 0.

Return a string representing the smallest zero-free number greater than or equal to num such that the product of its digits is divisible by t. If no such number exists, return "-1".


Example 1:

Input: num = "1234", t = 256

Output: "1488"


The smallest zero-free number that is greater than 1234 and has the product of its digits divisible by 256 is 1488, with the product of its digits equal to 256.

Example 2:

Input: num = "12355", t = 50

Output: "12355"


12355 is already zero-free and has the product of its digits divisible by 50, with the product of its digits equal to 150.

Example 3:

Input: num = "11111", t = 26

Output: "-1"


No number greater than 11111 has the product of its digits divisible by 26.



  • 2 <= num.length <= 2 * 105
  • num consists only of digits in the range ['0', '9'].
  • num does not contain leading zeros.
  • 1 <= t <= 1014


Solution 1

  • func smallestNumber(num string, t int64) string {
    	primeCount, isDivisible := getPrimeCount(t)
    	if !isDivisible {
    		return "-1"
    	factorCount := getFactorCount(primeCount)
    	if sumValues(factorCount) > len(num) {
    		return construct(factorCount)
    	primeCountPrefix := getPrimeCountFromString(num)
    	firstZeroIndex := strings.Index(num, "0")
    	if firstZeroIndex == -1 {
    		firstZeroIndex = len(num)
    		if isSubset(primeCount, primeCountPrefix) {
    			return num
    	for i := len(num) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
    		d := int(num[i] - '0')
    		primeCountPrefix = subtract(primeCountPrefix, kFactorCounts[d])
    		spaceAfterThisDigit := len(num) - 1 - i
    		if i > firstZeroIndex {
    		for biggerDigit := d + 1; biggerDigit < 10; biggerDigit++ {
    			factorsAfterReplacement := getFactorCount(
    				subtract(subtract(primeCount, primeCountPrefix), kFactorCounts[biggerDigit]),
    			if sumValues(factorsAfterReplacement) <= spaceAfterThisDigit {
    				fillOnes := spaceAfterThisDigit - sumValues(factorsAfterReplacement)
    				return num[:i] + strconv.Itoa(biggerDigit) + strings.Repeat("1", fillOnes) + construct(factorsAfterReplacement)
    	factorsAfterExtension := getFactorCount(primeCount)
    	return strings.Repeat("1", len(num)+1-sumValues(factorsAfterExtension)) + construct(factorsAfterExtension)
    var kFactorCounts = map[int]map[int]int{
    	0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {2: 1}, 3: {3: 1}, 4: {2: 2},
    	5: {5: 1}, 6: {2: 1, 3: 1}, 7: {7: 1}, 8: {2: 3}, 9: {3: 2},
    func getPrimeCount(t int64) (map[int]int, bool) {
    	count := map[int]int{2: 0, 3: 0, 5: 0, 7: 0}
    	for _, prime := range []int{2, 3, 5, 7} {
    		for t%int64(prime) == 0 {
    			t /= int64(prime)
    	return count, t == 1
    func getPrimeCountFromString(num string) map[int]int {
    	count := map[int]int{2: 0, 3: 0, 5: 0, 7: 0}
    	for _, d := range num {
    		for prime, freq := range kFactorCounts[int(d-'0')] {
    			count[prime] += freq
    	return count
    func getFactorCount(count map[int]int) map[int]int {
    	res := map[int]int{}
    	count8 := count[2] / 3
    	remaining2 := count[2] % 3
    	count9 := count[3] / 2
    	count3 := count[3] % 2
    	count4 := remaining2 / 2
    	count2 := remaining2 % 2
    	count6 := 0
    	if count2 == 1 && count3 == 1 {
    		count2, count3 = 0, 0
    		count6 = 1
    	if count3 == 1 && count4 == 1 {
    		count2 = 1
    		count6 = 1
    		count3, count4 = 0, 0
    	res[2] = count2
    	res[3] = count3
    	res[4] = count4
    	res[5] = count[5]
    	res[6] = count6
    	res[7] = count[7]
    	res[8] = count8
    	res[9] = count9
    	return res
    func construct(factors map[int]int) string {
    	var res strings.Builder
    	for digit := 2; digit < 10; digit++ {
    		res.WriteString(strings.Repeat(strconv.Itoa(digit), factors[digit]))
    	return res.String()
    func isSubset(a, b map[int]int) bool {
    	for key, value := range a {
    		if b[key] < value {
    			return false
    	return true
    func subtract(a, b map[int]int) map[int]int {
    	res := make(map[int]int, len(a))
    	for k, v := range a {
    		res[k] = v
    	for k, v := range b {
    		res[k] = max(0, res[k]-v)
    	return res
    func sumValues(count map[int]int) int {
    	sum := 0
    	for _, v := range count {
    		sum += v
    	return sum

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