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3338. Second Highest Salary II 🔒
Table: employees
+++ \| emp_id \| int \| \| salary \| int \| \| dept \| varchar \| ++--+ \| emp_id \| salary \| dept \| +--+--+--+
+--+--+ \| 2 \| Sales \| \| 3 \| Sales \| \| 5 \| IT \| \| 8 \| Marketing \| +--+-----+
- Sales Department:
- Highest salary is 90000 (emp_id: 4)
- Second-highest salary is 80000 (emp_id: 2, 3)
- Both employees with salary 80000 are included
- IT Department:
- Highest salary is 65000 (emp_id: 6, 7)
- Second-highest salary is 55000 (emp_id: 5)
- Only emp_id 5 is included as they have the second-highest salary
- Marketing Department:
- Highest salary is 55000 (emp_id: 9)
- Second-highest salary is 50000 (emp_id: 8)
- Employee 8 is included
- HR Department:
- Only has one employee
- Not included in the result as it has fewer than 2 employees
Solution 1: Window Function
We can use the DENSE_RANK()
window function to rank employees in each department by salary in descending order, and then filter out the employees with a rank of $2$.
import pandas as pd def find_second_highest_salary(employees: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: employees["rk"] = employees.groupby("dept")["salary"].rank( method="dense", ascending=False ) second_highest = employees[employees["rk"] == 2][["emp_id", "dept"]] return second_highest.sort_values(by="emp_id")
# Write your MySQL query statement below WITH T AS ( SELECT emp_id, dept, DENSE_RANK() OVER ( PARTITION BY dept ORDER BY salary DESC ) rk FROM Employees ) SELECT emp_id, dept FROM T WHERE rk = 2 ORDER BY 1;