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3293. Calculate Product Final Price 🔒


Table: Products

\| product_id \| int     \| 
\| category   \| varchar \|
\| price      \| decimal \|
\| Column Name\| Type    \| 
category is the primary key for this table.
Each row contains a product category and the percentage discount applied to that category (values range from 0 to 100).

Write a solution to find the final price of each product after applying the category discount. If a product's category has no associated discount, its price remains unchanged.

Return the result table ordered by product_id in ascending order.

The result format is in the following example.




Products table:

\| product_id \| category    \| price \|
\| 1          \| Electronics \| 1000  \|
\| 2          \| Clothing    \| 50    \|
\| 3          \| Electronics \| 1200  \| 
\| 4          \| Home        \| 500   \|

Discounts table:

\| Electronics\| 10       \|
\| Clothing   \| 20       \|


  • For product 1, it belongs to the Electronics category which has a 10% discount, so the final price is 1000 - (10% of 1000) = 900.
  • For product 2, it belongs to the Clothing category which has a 20% discount, so the final price is 50 - (20% of 50) = 40.
  • For product 3, it belongs to the Electronics category and receives a 10% discount, so the final price is 1200 - (10% of 1200) = 1080.
  • For product 4, no discount is available for the Home category, so the final price remains 500.
Result table is ordered by product_id in ascending order.


Solution 1: Left Join

We can perform a left join between the Products table and the Discounts table on the category column, then calculate the final price. If a product’s category does not have an associated discount, its price remains unchanged.

  • import pandas as pd
    def calculate_final_prices(
        products: pd.DataFrame, discounts: pd.DataFrame
    ) -> pd.DataFrame:
        # Perform a left join on the 'category' column
        merged_df = pd.merge(products, discounts, on="category", how="left")
        # Calculate the final price
        merged_df["final_price"] = (
            merged_df["price"] * (100 - merged_df["discount"].fillna(0)) / 100
        # Select the necessary columns and sort by 'product_id'
        result_df = merged_df[["product_id", "final_price", "category"]].sort_values(
        return result_df
  • # Write your MySQL query statement below
        price * (100 - IFNULL(discount, 0)) / 100 final_price,
        LEFT JOIN Discounts USING (category)
    ORDER BY 1;

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