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3166. Calculate Parking Fees and Duration 🔒


Table: ParkingTransactions

\| lot_id       \| int       \|
\| car_id       \| int       \|
\| entry_time   \| datetime  \|
\| exit_time    \| datetime  \|
\| fee_paid     \| decimal   \|
\| lot_id \| car_id \| entry_time          \| exit_time           \| fee_paid \|


\| 1001   \| 18.00          \| 2.40           \| 1             \|
\| 1002   \| 6.00           \| 1.33           \| 2             \|


  • For car ID 1001:
    • From 2023-06-01 08:00:00 to 2023-06-01 10:30:00 in lot 1: 2.5 hours, fee 5.00
    • From 2023-06-02 11:00:00 to 2023-06-02 12:45:00 in lot 1: 1.75 hours, fee 3.00
    • From 2023-06-01 10:45:00 to 2023-06-01 12:00:00 in lot 2: 1.25 hours, fee 6.00
    • From 2023-06-03 07:00:00 to 2023-06-03 09:00:00 in lot 3: 2 hours, fee 4.00
    Total fee paid: 18.00, total hours: 7.5, average hourly fee: 2.40, most time spent in lot 1: 4.25 hours.
  • For car ID 1002:
    • From 2023-06-01 09:00:00 to 2023-06-01 11:30:00 in lot 2: 2.5 hours, fee 4.00
    • From 2023-06-02 12:00:00 to 2023-06-02 14:00:00 in lot 3: 2 hours, fee 2.00
    Total fee paid: 6.00, total hours: 4.5, average hourly fee: 1.33, most time spent in lot 2: 2.5 hours.

Note: Output table is ordered by car_id in ascending order.



Solution 1: Grouping + Joining

We can first group by car_id and lot_id to calculate the parking duration for each car in each parking lot. Then, we use the RANK() function to rank the parking duration of each car in each parking lot to find the parking lot where each car has the longest parking duration.

Finally, we can group by car_id to calculate the total parking fee, average hourly fee, and the parking lot with the longest parking duration for each car.

  • # Write your MySQL query statement below
        T AS (
                SUM(TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, entry_time, exit_time)) AS duration
            FROM ParkingTransactions
            GROUP BY 1, 2
        P AS (
                RANK() OVER (
                    PARTITION BY car_id
                    ORDER BY duration DESC
                ) AS rk
            FROM T
        SUM(fee_paid) AS total_fee_paid,
            SUM(fee_paid) / (SUM(TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, entry_time, exit_time)) / 3600),
        ) AS avg_hourly_fee,
        t2.lot_id AS most_time_lot
        ParkingTransactions AS t1
        LEFT JOIN P AS t2 ON t1.car_id = t2.car_id AND t2.rk = 1
    GROUP BY 1
    ORDER BY 1;

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