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3150. Invalid Tweets II 🔒


Table: Tweets

\| Column Name    \| Type    \|
\| tweet_id       \| int     \|
\| content        \| varchar \|
tweet_id is the primary key (column with unique values) for this table.
This table contains all the tweets in a social media app.

Write a solution to find invalid tweets. A tweet is considered invalid if it meets any of the following criteria:

  • It exceeds 140 characters in length.
  • It has more than 3 mentions.
  • It includes more than 3 hashtags.

Return the result table ordered by tweet_id in ascending order.

The result format is in the following example.




Tweets table:

  \| tweet_id \| content                                                                           \|
  \| 1        \| Traveling, exploring, and living my best life @JaneSmith @SaraJohnson @LisaTaylor \|
  \|          \| @MikeBrown #Foodie #Fitness #Learning                                             \| 
  \| 2        \| Just had the best dinner with friends! #Foodie #Friends #Fun                      \|
  \| 4        \| Working hard on my new project #Work #Goals #Productivity #Fun                    \|


  \| 1        \|
  \| 4        \|


  • tweet_id 1 contains 4 mentions.
  • tweet_id 4 contains 4 hashtags.
Output table is ordered by tweet_id in ascending order.


Solution 1: LENGTH() Function + REPLACE() Function

We can use the LENGTH() function to calculate the length of the string, calculate the length after excluding @ or #, then use the OR operator to connect these three conditions, filter out the corresponding tweet_id, and sort by tweet_id in ascending order.

  • import pandas as pd
    def find_invalid_tweets(tweets: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
        invalid_tweets = tweets[
            (tweets["content"].str.len() > 140)
            | (tweets["content"].str.count("@") > 3)
            | (tweets["content"].str.count("#") > 3)
        return invalid_tweets[["tweet_id"]]
  • # Write your MySQL query statement below
    SELECT tweet_id
    FROM Tweets
    WHERE LENGTH(content) > 140
        OR (LENGTH(content) - LENGTH(REPLACE(content, '@', ''))) > 3
        OR (LENGTH(content) - LENGTH(REPLACE(content, '#', ''))) > 3
    ORDER BY 1;

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