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3124. Find Longest Calls ๐Ÿ”’


Table: Contacts

\| Column Name \| Type    \|
\| id          \| int     \|
\| first_name  \| varchar \|
\| last_name   \| varchar \|
id is the primary key (column with unique values) of this table.
id is a foreign key (reference column) to Calls table.
Each row of this table contains id, first_name, and last_name.

Table: Calls

\| Column Name \| Type \|
\| contact_id  \| int  \|
\| type        \| enum \|
\| duration    \| int  \|
(contact_id, type, duration) is the primary key (column with unique values) of this table.
type is an ENUM (category) type of ('incoming', 'outgoing').
Each row of this table contains information about calls, comprising of contact_id, type, and duration in seconds.

Write a solution to find the three longest incoming and outgoing calls.

Return the result table ordered by type, duration, and first_name in descending order and duration must be formatted as HH:MM:SS.

The result format is in the following example.


Example 1:


Contacts table:

\| id \| first_name \| last_name \|
\| 1  \| John       \| Doe       \|
\| 2  \| Jane       \| Smith     \|
\| 3  \| Alice      \| Johnson   \|
\| 4  \| Michael    \| Brown     \|
\| 5  \| Emily      \| Davis     \|

Calls table:

\| contact_id \| type     \| duration \|
\| 1          \| incoming \| 120      \|
\| 1          \| outgoing \| 180      \|
\| 2          \| incoming \| 300      \|
\| 2          \| outgoing \| 240      \|
\| 3          \| incoming \| 150      \|
\| 3          \| outgoing \| 360      \|
\| 4          \| incoming \| 420      \|
\| 4          \| outgoing \| 200      \|
\| 5          \| incoming \| 180      \|
\| 5          \| outgoing \| 280      \|


\| first_name\| type     \| duration_formatted\|
\| Michael   \| incoming \| 00:07:00          \|
\| Jane      \| incoming \| 00:05:00          \|
\| Emily     \| incoming \| 00:03:00          \|
\| Alice     \| outgoing \| 00:06:00          \|
\| Emily     \| outgoing \| 00:04:40          \|
\| Jane      \| outgoing \| 00:04:00          \|


  • Michael had an incoming call lasting 7 minutes.
  • Jane had an incoming call lasting 5 minutes.
  • Emily had an incoming call lasting 3 minutes.
  • Alice had an outgoing call lasting 6 minutes.
  • Emily had an outgoing call lasting 4 minutes and 40 seconds.
  • Jane had an outgoing call lasting 4 minutes.

Note: Output table is sorted by type, duration, and first_name in descending order.


Solution 1: Equi-Join + Window Function

We can use equi-join to connect the two tables, and then use the window function RANK() to calculate the ranking of each type of phone. Finally, we just need to filter out the top three phones.

  • import pandas as pd
    def find_longest_calls(contacts: pd.DataFrame, calls: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
        merged_data = calls.merge(contacts, left_on="contact_id", right_on="id")
        merged_data["duration_formatted"] = (
            merged_data["duration"] // 3600 * 10000
            + merged_data["duration"] % 3600 // 60 * 100
            + merged_data["duration"] % 60
        ).apply(lambda x: "{:02}:{:02}:{:02}".format(x // 10000, x // 100 % 100, x % 100))
        merged_data["rk"] = merged_data.groupby("type")["duration"].rank(
            method="dense", ascending=False
        result = merged_data[merged_data["rk"] <= 3][
            ["first_name", "type", "duration_formatted"]
        result = result.sort_values(
            by=["type", "duration_formatted", "first_name"], ascending=[True, False, False]
        return result
  • WITH
        T AS (
                DATE_FORMAT(SEC_TO_TIME(duration), "%H:%i:%s") AS duration_formatted,
                RANK() OVER (
                    PARTITION BY type
                    ORDER BY duration DESC
                ) AS rk
                Calls AS c1
                JOIN Contacts AS c2 ON c1.contact_id = c2.id
    FROM T
    WHERE rk <= 3
    ORDER BY 2, 3 DESC, 1 DESC;

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