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3054. Binary Tree Nodes


Table: Tree

\| Column Name \| Type \| 
\| N           \| int  \| 
\| P           \| int  \|
N is the column of unique values for this table.
Each row includes N and P, where N represents the value of a node in Binary Tree, and P is the parent of N.

Write a solution to find the node type of the Binary Tree. Output one of the following for each node:

  • Root: if the node is the root node.
  • Leaf: if the node is the leaf node.
  • Inner: if the node is neither root nor leaf node.

Return the result table ordered by node value in ascending order.

The result format is in the following example.


Example 1:

Tree table:
\| N \| P    \| 
\| 1 \| 2    \|
\| 3 \| 2    \| 
\| 6 \| 8    \| 
\| 9 \| 8    \| 
\| 2 \| 5    \| 
\| 8 \| 5    \| 
\| 5 \| null \| 
\| N \| Type  \| 
\| 1 \| Leaf  \| 
\| 2 \| Inner \|
\| 3 \| Leaf  \|
\| 5 \| Root  \|
\| 6 \| Leaf  \|
\| 8 \| Inner \|
\| 9 \| Leaf  \|    
- Node 5 is the root node since it has no parent node.
- Nodes 1, 3, 6, and 8 are leaf nodes because they don't have any child nodes.
- Nodes 2, 4, and 7 are inner nodes as they serve as parents to some of the nodes in the structure.


Solution 1: Left Join

If a node’s parent is null, then it is a root node; if a node is not the parent of any node, then it is a leaf node; otherwise, it is an internal node.

Therefore, we use left join to join the Tree table twice, with the join condition being t1.N = t2.P. If t1.P is null, then t1.N is a root node; if t2.P is null, then t1.N is a leaf node; otherwise, t1.N is an internal node.

  • # Write your MySQL query statement below
        t1.N AS N,
        IF(t1.P IS NULL, 'Root', IF(t2.P IS NULL, 'Leaf', 'Inner')) AS Type
        Tree AS t1
        LEFT JOIN Tree AS t2 ON t1.N = t2.p
    ORDER BY 1;

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