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2978. Symmetric Coordinates


Table: Coordinates

| Column Name | Type |
| X           | int  |
| Y           | int  |
Each row includes X and Y, where both are integers. Table may contain duplicate values.

Two coordindates (X1, Y1) and (X2, Y2) are said to be symmetric coordintes if X1 == Y2 and X2 == Y1.

Write a solution that outputs, among all these symmetric coordintes, only those unique coordinates that satisfy the condition X1 <= Y1.

Return the result table ordered by X and Y (respectively) in ascending order.

The result format is in the following example.


Example 1:

Coordinates table:
| X  | Y  |
| 20 | 20 |
| 20 | 20 |
| 20 | 21 |
| 23 | 22 |
| 22 | 23 |
| 21 | 20 |
| x  | y  |
| 20 | 20 |
| 20 | 21 |
| 22 | 23 |
- (20, 20) and (20, 20) are symmetric coordinates because, X1 == Y2 and X2 == Y1. This results in displaying (20, 20) as a distinctive coordinates.
- (20, 21) and (21, 20) are symmetric coordinates because, X1 == Y2 and X2 == Y1. However, only (20, 21) will be displayed because X1 <= Y1.
- (23, 22) and (22, 23) are symmetric coordinates because, X1 == Y2 and X2 == Y1. However, only (22, 23) will be displayed because X1 <= Y1.
The output table is sorted by X and Y in ascending order.


Solution 1: Window Function + Self Join

We can use the window function ROW_NUMBER() to add an auto-incrementing sequence number to each row. Then, we perform a self join on the two tables, with the join conditions being p1.x = p2.y AND p1.y = p2.x AND p1.x <= p1.y AND p1.id != p2.id. Finally, we sort and remove duplicates.

  • # Write your MySQL query statement below
        P AS (
                ROW_NUMBER() OVER () AS id,
            FROM Coordinates
        P AS p1
        JOIN P AS p2 ON p1.x = p2.y AND p1.y = p2.x AND p1.x <= p1.y AND p1.id != p2.id
    ORDER BY 1, 2;

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