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2796. Repeat String
Write code that enhances all strings such that you can call the string.replicate(x)
method on any string and it will return repeated string x
Try to implement it without using the built-in method string.repeat
Example 1:
Input: str = "hello", times = 2 Output: "hellohello" Explanation: "hello" is repeated 2 times
Example 2:
Input: str = "code", times = 3 Output: "codecodecode" Explanation: "code" is repeated 3 times
Example 3:
Input: str = "js", times = 1 Output: "js" Explanation: "js" is repeated 1 time
1 <= str.length <= 1000
1 <= times <= 1000
declare global { interface String { replicate(times: number): string; } } String.prototype.replicate = function (times: number) { return new Array(times).fill(this).join(''); };
String.prototype.replicate = function (times) { return Array(times).fill(this).join(''); };