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2752. Customers with Maximum Number of Transactions on Consecutive Days


Table: Transactions

| Column Name      | Type |
| transaction_id   | int  |
| customer_id      | int  |
| transaction_date | date |
| amount           | int  |
transaction_id is the column with unique values of this table.
Each row contains information about transactions that includes unique (customer_id, transaction_date) along with the corresponding customer_id and amount.   

Write a solution to find all customer_id who made the maximum number of transactions on consecutive days.

Return all customer_id with the maximum number of consecutive transactions. Order the result table by customer_id in ascending order.

The result format is in the following example.


Example 1:

Transactions table:
| transaction_id | customer_id | transaction_date | amount |
| 1              | 101         | 2023-05-01       | 100    |
| 2              | 101         | 2023-05-02       | 150    |
| 3              | 101         | 2023-05-03       | 200    |
| 4              | 102         | 2023-05-01       | 50     |
| 5              | 102         | 2023-05-03       | 100    |
| 6              | 102         | 2023-05-04       | 200    |
| 7              | 105         | 2023-05-01       | 100    |
| 8              | 105         | 2023-05-02       | 150    |
| 9              | 105         | 2023-05-03       | 200    |
| customer_id | 
| 101         | 
| 105         | 
- customer_id 101 has a total of 3 transactions, and all of them are consecutive.
- customer_id 102 has a total of 3 transactions, but only 2 of them are consecutive. 
- customer_id 105 has a total of 3 transactions, and all of them are consecutive.
In total, the highest number of consecutive transactions is 3, achieved by customer_id 101 and 105. The customer_id are sorted in ascending order.


  • # Write your MySQL query statement below
        s AS (
                    INTERVAL row_number() OVER (
                        PARTITION BY customer_id
                        ORDER BY transaction_date
                    ) DAY
                ) AS transaction_date
            FROM Transactions
        t AS (
            SELECT customer_id, transaction_date, count(1) AS cnt
            FROM s
            GROUP BY 1, 2
    SELECT customer_id
    FROM t
    WHERE cnt = (SELECT max(cnt) FROM t)
    ORDER BY customer_id;

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