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2353. Design a Food Rating System

  • Difficulty: Medium.
  • Related Topics: Hash Table, Design, Heap (Priority Queue), Ordered Set.
  • Similar Questions: Design a Number Container System.


Design a food rating system that can do the following:

  • Modify the rating of a food item listed in the system.

  • Return the highest-rated food item for a type of cuisine in the system.

Implement the FoodRatings class:

```FoodRatings(String[] foods, String[] cuisines, int[] ratings)``` Initializes the system. The food items are described by ```foods```, ```cuisines``` and ```ratings```, all of which have a length of ```n```.
  • foods[i] is the name of the ith food,

  • cuisines[i] is the type of cuisine of the ith food, and

  • ratings[i] is the initial rating of the ith food.

  • void changeRating(String food, int newRating) Changes the rating of the food item with the name food.

  • String highestRated(String cuisine) Returns the name of the food item that has the highest rating for the given type of cuisine. If there is a tie, return the item with the lexicographically smaller name.

Note that a string x is lexicographically smaller than string y if x comes before y in dictionary order, that is, either x is a prefix of y, or if i is the first position such that x[i] != y[i], then x[i] comes before y[i] in alphabetic order.

  Example 1:

["FoodRatings", "highestRated", "highestRated", "changeRating", "highestRated", "changeRating", "highestRated"]
[[["kimchi", "miso", "sushi", "moussaka", "ramen", "bulgogi"], ["korean", "japanese", "japanese", "greek", "japanese", "korean"], [9, 12, 8, 15, 14, 7]], ["korean"], ["japanese"], ["sushi", 16], ["japanese"], ["ramen", 16], ["japanese"]]
[null, "kimchi", "ramen", null, "sushi", null, "ramen"]

FoodRatings foodRatings = new FoodRatings(["kimchi", "miso", "sushi", "moussaka", "ramen", "bulgogi"], ["korean", "japanese", "japanese", "greek", "japanese", "korean"], [9, 12, 8, 15, 14, 7]);
foodRatings.highestRated("korean"); // return "kimchi"
                                    // "kimchi" is the highest rated korean food with a rating of 9.
foodRatings.highestRated("japanese"); // return "ramen"
                                      // "ramen" is the highest rated japanese food with a rating of 14.
foodRatings.changeRating("sushi", 16); // "sushi" now has a rating of 16.
foodRatings.highestRated("japanese"); // return "sushi"
                                      // "sushi" is the highest rated japanese food with a rating of 16.
foodRatings.changeRating("ramen", 16); // "ramen" now has a rating of 16.
foodRatings.highestRated("japanese"); // return "ramen"
                                      // Both "sushi" and "ramen" have a rating of 16.
                                      // However, "ramen" is lexicographically smaller than "sushi".


  • 1 <= n <= 2 * 104

  • n == foods.length == cuisines.length == ratings.length

  • 1 <= foods[i].length, cuisines[i].length <= 10

  • foods[i], cuisines[i] consist of lowercase English letters.

  • 1 <= ratings[i] <= 108

  • All the strings in foods are distinct.

  • food will be the name of a food item in the system across all calls to changeRating.

  • cuisine will be a type of cuisine of at least one food item in the system across all calls to highestRated.

  • At most 2 * 104 calls in total will be made to changeRating and highestRated.

Solution (Java, C++, Python)

  • class FoodRatings {
        private HashMap<String, TreeSet<Food>> cus = new HashMap<>();
        private HashMap<String, Food> foodHashMap = new HashMap<>();
        public FoodRatings(String[] foods, String[] cuisines, int[] ratings) {
            for (int i = 0; i < foods.length; i++) {
                Food food = new Food(foods[i], ratings[i], cuisines[i]);
                foodHashMap.put(foods[i], food);
                if (cus.containsKey(cuisines[i])) {
                } else {
                    TreeSet<Food> pq = new TreeSet<>(new Comp());
                    cus.put(cuisines[i], pq);
        public void changeRating(String food, int newRating) {
            Food dish = foodHashMap.get(food);
            TreeSet<Food> pq = cus.get(dish.cus);
            dish.rating = newRating;
        public String highestRated(String cuisine) {
            return cus.get(cuisine).first().foodItem;
        private static class Comp implements Comparator<Food> {
            public int compare(Food f1, Food f2) {
                if (f1.rating == f2.rating) {
                    return f1.foodItem.compareTo(f2.foodItem);
                return Integer.compare(f2.rating, f1.rating);
        private static class Food {
            private String foodItem;
            private String cus;
            private int rating;
            Food(String food, int rating, String cus) {
                this.foodItem = food;
                this.rating = rating;
                this.cus = cus;
     * Your FoodRatings object will be instantiated and called as such:
     * FoodRatings obj = new FoodRatings(foods, cuisines, ratings);
     * obj.changeRating(food,newRating);
     * String param_2 = obj.highestRated(cuisine);
  • from sortedcontainers import SortedSet
    class FoodRatings:
        def __init__(self, foods: List[str], cuisines: List[str], ratings: List[int]):
            self.mp = {}
            self.t = defaultdict(lambda: SortedSet(key=lambda x: (-x[0], x[1])))
            for a, b, c in zip(foods, cuisines, ratings):
                self.mp[a] = (b, c)
                self.t[b].add((c, a))
        def changeRating(self, food: str, newRating: int) -> None:
            b, c = self.mp[food]
            self.mp[food] = (b, newRating)
            self.t[b].remove((c, food))
            self.t[b].add((newRating, food))
        def highestRated(self, cuisine: str) -> str:
            return self.t[cuisine][0][1]
    # Your FoodRatings object will be instantiated and called as such:
    # obj = FoodRatings(foods, cuisines, ratings)
    # obj.changeRating(food,newRating)
    # param_2 = obj.highestRated(cuisine)
    # 2353. Design a Food Rating System
    # https://leetcode.com/problems/design-a-food-rating-system/
    from sortedcontainers import SortedList
    class FoodRatings:
        def __init__(self, foods: List[str], cuisines: List[str], ratings: List[int]):
            self.mp = {}
            self.A = defaultdict(SortedList)
            for food, cuisine, rating in zip(foods, cuisines, ratings):
                self.mp[food] = (cuisine, rating)
                self.A[cuisine].add((-rating, food))
        def changeRating(self, food: str, newRating: int) -> None:
            cuisine, rating = self.mp[food]
            self.mp[food] = (cuisine, newRating)
            self.A[cuisine].remove((-rating, food))
            self.A[cuisine].add((-newRating, food))
        def highestRated(self, cuisine: str) -> str:
            return self.A[cuisine][0][1]
    # Your FoodRatings object will be instantiated and called as such:
    # obj = FoodRatings(foods, cuisines, ratings)
    # obj.changeRating(food,newRating)
    # param_2 = obj.highestRated(cuisine)
  • using pis = pair<int, string>;
    class FoodRatings {
        map<string, pis> mp;
        map<string, set<pis>> t;
        FoodRatings(vector<string>& foods, vector<string>& cuisines, vector<int>& ratings) {
            int n = foods.size();
            for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
                string a = foods[i], b = cuisines[i];
                int c = ratings[i];
                mp[a] = pis(c, b);
                t[b].insert(pis(-c, a));
        void changeRating(string food, int newRating) {
            pis& p = mp[food];
            t[p.second].erase(pis(-p.first, food));
            p.first = newRating;
            t[p.second].insert(pis(-p.first, food));
        string highestRated(string cuisine) {
            return t[cuisine].begin()->second;
     * Your FoodRatings object will be instantiated and called as such:
     * FoodRatings* obj = new FoodRatings(foods, cuisines, ratings);
     * obj->changeRating(food,newRating);
     * string param_2 = obj->highestRated(cuisine);




  • Time complexity : O(n).
  • Space complexity : O(n).

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