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Formatted question description: https://leetcode.ca/all/2123.html

2123. Minimum Operations to Remove Adjacent Ones in Matrix


You are given a 0-indexed binary matrix grid. In one operation, you can flip any 1 in grid to be 0.

A binary matrix is well-isolated if there is no 1 in the matrix that is 4-directionally connected (i.e., horizontal and vertical) to another 1.

Return the minimum number of operations to make grid well-isolated.


Example 1:

Input: grid = [[1,1,0],[0,1,1],[1,1,1]]
Output: 3
Explanation: Use 3 operations to change grid[0][1], grid[1][2], and grid[2][1] to 0.
After, no more 1's are 4-directionally connected and grid is well-isolated.

Example 2:

Input: grid = [[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
Output: 0
Explanation: There are no 1's in grid and it is well-isolated.
No operations were done so return 0.

Example 3:

Input: grid = [[0,1],[1,0]]
Output: 0
Explanation: None of the 1's are 4-directionally connected and grid is well-isolated.
No operations were done so return 0.



  • m == grid.length
  • n == grid[i].length
  • 1 <= m, n <= 300
  • grid[i][j] is either 0 or 1.


  • class Solution {
        private Map<Integer, List<Integer>> g = new HashMap<>();
        private Set<Integer> vis = new HashSet<>();
        private int[] match;
        public int minimumOperations(int[][] grid) {
            int m = grid.length, n = grid[0].length;
            for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
                for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
                    if ((i + j) % 2 == 1 && grid[i][j] == 1) {
                        int x = i * n + j;
                        if (i < m - 1 && grid[i + 1][j] == 1) {
                            g.computeIfAbsent(x, z -> new ArrayList<>()).add(x + n);
                        if (i > 0 && grid[i - 1][j] == 1) {
                            g.computeIfAbsent(x, z -> new ArrayList<>()).add(x - n);
                        if (j < n - 1 && grid[i][j + 1] == 1) {
                            g.computeIfAbsent(x, z -> new ArrayList<>()).add(x + 1);
                        if (j > 0 && grid[i][j - 1] == 1) {
                            g.computeIfAbsent(x, z -> new ArrayList<>()).add(x - 1);
            match = new int[m * n];
            Arrays.fill(match, -1);
            int ans = 0;
            for (int i : g.keySet()) {
                ans += find(i);
            return ans;
        private int find(int i) {
            for (int j : g.get(i)) {
                if (vis.add(j)) {
                    if (match[j] == -1 || find(match[j]) == 1) {
                        match[j] = i;
                        return 1;
            return 0;
  • class Solution {
        int minimumOperations(vector<vector<int>>& grid) {
            int m = grid.size(), n = grid[0].size();
            vector<int> match(m * n, -1);
            unordered_set<int> vis;
            unordered_map<int, vector<int>> g;
            for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
                for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
                    if ((i + j) % 2 && grid[i][j]) {
                        int x = i * n + j;
                        if (i < m - 1 && grid[i + 1][j]) {
                            g[x].push_back(x + n);
                        if (i && grid[i - 1][j]) {
                            g[x].push_back(x - n);
                        if (j < n - 1 && grid[i][j + 1]) {
                            g[x].push_back(x + 1);
                        if (j && grid[i][j - 1]) {
                            g[x].push_back(x - 1);
            int ans = 0;
            function<int(int)> find = [&](int i) -> int {
                for (int& j : g[i]) {
                    if (!vis.count(j)) {
                        if (match[j] == -1 || find(match[j])) {
                            match[j] = i;
                            return 1;
                return 0;
            for (auto& [i, _] : g) {
                ans += find(i);
            return ans;
  • class Solution:
        def minimumOperations(self, grid: List[List[int]]) -> int:
            def find(i: int) -> int:
                for j in g[i]:
                    if j not in vis:
                        if match[j] == -1 or find(match[j]):
                            match[j] = i
                            return 1
                return 0
            g = defaultdict(list)
            m, n = len(grid), len(grid[0])
            for i, row in enumerate(grid):
                for j, v in enumerate(row):
                    if (i + j) % 2 and v:
                        x = i * n + j
                        if i < m - 1 and grid[i + 1][j]:
                            g[x].append(x + n)
                        if i and grid[i - 1][j]:
                            g[x].append(x - n)
                        if j < n - 1 and grid[i][j + 1]:
                            g[x].append(x + 1)
                        if j and grid[i][j - 1]:
                            g[x].append(x - 1)
            match = [-1] * (m * n)
            ans = 0
            for i in g.keys():
                vis = set()
                ans += find(i)
            return ans
  • func minimumOperations(grid [][]int) (ans int) {
    	m, n := len(grid), len(grid[0])
    	vis := map[int]bool{}
    	match := make([]int, m*n)
    	for i := range match {
    		match[i] = -1
    	g := map[int][]int{}
    	for i, row := range grid {
    		for j, v := range row {
    			if (i+j)&1 == 1 && v == 1 {
    				x := i*n + j
    				if i < m-1 && grid[i+1][j] == 1 {
    					g[x] = append(g[x], x+n)
    				if i > 0 && grid[i-1][j] == 1 {
    					g[x] = append(g[x], x-n)
    				if j < n-1 && grid[i][j+1] == 1 {
    					g[x] = append(g[x], x+1)
    				if j > 0 && grid[i][j-1] == 1 {
    					g[x] = append(g[x], x-1)
    	var find func(int) int
    	find = func(i int) int {
    		for _, j := range g[i] {
    			if !vis[j] {
    				vis[j] = true
    				if match[j] == -1 || find(match[j]) == 1 {
    					match[j] = i
    					return 1
    		return 0
    	for i := range g {
    		ans += find(i)
    		vis = map[int]bool{}
  • function minimumOperations(grid: number[][]): number {
        const m = grid.length;
        const n = grid[0].length;
        const match: number[] = Array(m * n).fill(-1);
        const vis: Set<number> = new Set();
        const g: Map<number, number[]> = new Map();
        for (let i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
            for (let j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
                if ((i + j) % 2 && grid[i][j]) {
                    const x = i * n + j;
                    g.set(x, []);
                    if (i < m - 1 && grid[i + 1][j]) {
                        g.get(x)!.push(x + n);
                    if (i && grid[i - 1][j]) {
                        g.get(x)!.push(x - n);
                    if (j < n - 1 && grid[i][j + 1]) {
                        g.get(x)!.push(x + 1);
                    if (j && grid[i][j - 1]) {
                        g.get(x)!.push(x - 1);
        const find = (i: number): number => {
            for (const j of g.get(i)!) {
                if (!vis.has(j)) {
                    if (match[j] === -1 || find(match[j])) {
                        match[j] = i;
                        return 1;
            return 0;
        let ans = 0;
        for (const i of g.keys()) {
            ans += find(i);
        return ans;

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