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Formatted question description: https://leetcode.ca/all/2043.html

2043. Simple Bank System (Medium)

You have been tasked with writing a program for a popular bank that will automate all its incoming transactions (transfer, deposit, and withdraw). The bank has n accounts numbered from 1 to n. The initial balance of each account is stored in a 0-indexed integer array balance, with the (i + 1)th account having an initial balance of balance[i].

Execute all the valid transactions. A transaction is valid if:

  • The given account number(s) are between 1 and n, and
  • The amount of money withdrawn or transferred from is less than or equal to the balance of the account.

Implement the Bank class:

  • Bank(long[] balance) Initializes the object with the 0-indexed integer array balance.
  • boolean transfer(int account1, int account2, long money) Transfers money dollars from the account numbered account1 to the account numbered account2. Return true if the transaction was successful, false otherwise.
  • boolean deposit(int account, long money) Deposit money dollars into the account numbered account. Return true if the transaction was successful, false otherwise.
  • boolean withdraw(int account, long money) Withdraw money dollars from the account numbered account. Return true if the transaction was successful, false otherwise.


Example 1:

["Bank", "withdraw", "transfer", "deposit", "transfer", "withdraw"]
[[[10, 100, 20, 50, 30]], [3, 10], [5, 1, 20], [5, 20], [3, 4, 15], [10, 50]]
[null, true, true, true, false, false]

Bank bank = new Bank([10, 100, 20, 50, 30]);
bank.withdraw(3, 10);    // return true, account 3 has a balance of $20, so it is valid to withdraw $10.
                         // Account 3 has $20 - $10 = $10.
bank.transfer(5, 1, 20); // return true, account 5 has a balance of $30, so it is valid to transfer $20.
                         // Account 5 has $30 - $20 = $10, and account 1 has $10 + $20 = $30.
bank.deposit(5, 20);     // return true, it is valid to deposit $20 to account 5.
                         // Account 5 has $10 + $20 = $30.
bank.transfer(3, 4, 15); // return false, the current balance of account 3 is $10,
                         // so it is invalid to transfer $15 from it.
bank.withdraw(10, 50);   // return false, it is invalid because account 10 does not exist.



  • n == balance.length
  • 1 <= n, account, account1, account2 <= 105
  • 0 <= balance[i], money <= 1012
  • At most 104 calls will be made to each function transfer, deposit, withdraw.

Solution 1.

  • // OJ: https://leetcode.com/problems/simple-bank-system/
    // Time: O(1) for all
    // Space: O(N)
    class Bank {
        vector<long long> balance;
        bool valid(int account) {
            return account > 0 && account <= balance.size();
        bool enough(int account, long long money) {
            return balance[account - 1] >= money;
        Bank(vector<long long>& balance) : balance(balance) {}
        bool transfer(int from, int to, long long money) {
            if (valid(from) && valid(to) && enough(from, money)) {
                balance[from - 1] -= money;
                balance[to - 1] += money;
                return true;
            return false;
        bool deposit(int account, long long money) {
            if (valid(account)) {
                balance[account - 1] += money;
                return true;
            return false;
        bool withdraw(int account, long long money) {
            if (valid(account) && enough(account, money)) {
                balance[account - 1] -= money;
                return true;
            return false;
  • class Bank:
        def __init__(self, balance: List[int]):
            self.balance = balance
            self.n = len(balance)
        def transfer(self, account1: int, account2: int, money: int) -> bool:
            if account1 > self.n or account2 > self.n or self.balance[account1 - 1] < money:
                return False
            self.balance[account1 - 1] -= money
            self.balance[account2 - 1] += money
            return True
        def deposit(self, account: int, money: int) -> bool:
            if account > self.n:
                return False
            self.balance[account - 1] += money
            return True
        def withdraw(self, account: int, money: int) -> bool:
            if account > self.n or self.balance[account - 1] < money:
                return False
            self.balance[account - 1] -= money
            return True
    # Your Bank object will be instantiated and called as such:
    # obj = Bank(balance)
    # param_1 = obj.transfer(account1,account2,money)
    # param_2 = obj.deposit(account,money)
    # param_3 = obj.withdraw(account,money)
    # 2043. Simple Bank System
    # https://leetcode.com/problems/simple-bank-system/
    class Bank:
        def __init__(self, balance: List[int]):
            self.banks = [0] + balance
            self.n = len(balance)
        def transfer(self, account1: int, account2: int, money: int) -> bool:
            if 1 <= account1 <= self.n and 1 <= account2 <= self.n and self.banks[account1] >= money:
                self.banks[account1] -= money
                self.banks[account2] += money
                return True
            return False
        def deposit(self, account: int, money: int) -> bool:
            if 1 <= account <= self.n:
                self.banks[account] += money
                return True
            return False
        def withdraw(self, account: int, money: int) -> bool:
            if 1 <= account <= self.n and self.banks[account] >= money:
                self.banks[account] -= money
                return True
            return False
    # Your Bank object will be instantiated and called as such:
    # obj = Bank(balance)
    # param_1 = obj.transfer(account1,account2,money)
    # param_2 = obj.deposit(account,money)
    # param_3 = obj.withdraw(account,money)
  • class Bank {
        private long[] balance;
        private int n;
        public Bank(long[] balance) {
            this.balance = balance;
            this.n = balance.length;
        public boolean transfer(int account1, int account2, long money) {
            if (account1 > n || account2 > n || balance[account1 - 1] < money) {
                return false;
            balance[account1 - 1] -= money;
            balance[account2 - 1] += money;
            return true;
        public boolean deposit(int account, long money) {
            if (account > n) {
                return false;
            balance[account - 1] += money;
            return true;
        public boolean withdraw(int account, long money) {
            if (account > n || balance[account - 1] < money) {
                return false;
            balance[account - 1] -= money;
            return true;
     * Your Bank object will be instantiated and called as such:
     * Bank obj = new Bank(balance);
     * boolean param_1 = obj.transfer(account1,account2,money);
     * boolean param_2 = obj.deposit(account,money);
     * boolean param_3 = obj.withdraw(account,money);
  • type Bank struct {
    	balance []int64
    	n       int
    func Constructor(balance []int64) Bank {
    	return Bank{balance, len(balance)}
    func (this *Bank) Transfer(account1 int, account2 int, money int64) bool {
    	if account1 > this.n || account2 > this.n || this.balance[account1-1] < money {
    		return false
    	this.balance[account1-1] -= money
    	this.balance[account2-1] += money
    	return true
    func (this *Bank) Deposit(account int, money int64) bool {
    	if account > this.n {
    		return false
    	this.balance[account-1] += money
    	return true
    func (this *Bank) Withdraw(account int, money int64) bool {
    	if account > this.n || this.balance[account-1] < money {
    		return false
    	this.balance[account-1] -= money
    	return true
     * Your Bank object will be instantiated and called as such:
     * obj := Constructor(balance);
     * param_1 := obj.Transfer(account1,account2,money);
     * param_2 := obj.Deposit(account,money);
     * param_3 := obj.Withdraw(account,money);
  • class Bank {
        balance: number[];
        constructor(balance: number[]) {
            this.balance = balance;
        transfer(account1: number, account2: number, money: number): boolean {
            if (
                account1 > this.balance.length ||
                account2 > this.balance.length ||
                money > this.balance[account1 - 1]
                return false;
            this.balance[account1 - 1] -= money;
            this.balance[account2 - 1] += money;
            return true;
        deposit(account: number, money: number): boolean {
            if (account > this.balance.length) return false;
            this.balance[account - 1] += money;
            return true;
        withdraw(account: number, money: number): boolean {
            if (
                account > this.balance.length ||
                money > this.balance[account - 1]
            ) {
                return false;
            this.balance[account - 1] -= money;
            return true;
     * Your Bank object will be instantiated and called as such:
     * var obj = new Bank(balance)
     * var param_1 = obj.transfer(account1,account2,money)
     * var param_2 = obj.deposit(account,money)
     * var param_3 = obj.withdraw(account,money)
  • struct Bank {
        balance: Vec<i64>,
     * `&self` means the method takes an immutable reference.
     * If you need a mutable reference, change it to `&mut self` instead.
    impl Bank {
        fn new(balance: Vec<i64>) -> Self {
            Bank { balance }
        fn transfer(&mut self, account1: i32, account2: i32, money: i64) -> bool {
            let (account1, account2, n) = (account1 as usize, account2 as usize, self.balance.len());
            if n < account1 || n < account2 {
                return false;
            if self.balance[account1 - 1] < money {
                return false;
            self.balance[account1 - 1] -= money;
            self.balance[account2 - 1] += money;
        fn deposit(&mut self, account: i32, money: i64) -> bool {
            let (account,  n) = (account as usize, self.balance.len());
            if n < account {
                return false;
            self.balance[account - 1] += money;
        fn withdraw(&mut self, account: i32, money: i64) -> bool {
            let (account,  n) = (account as usize, self.balance.len());
            if n < account {
                return false;
            if self.balance[account - 1] < money {
                return false;
            self.balance[account - 1] -= money;
     * Your Bank object will be instantiated and called as such:
     * let obj = Bank::new(balance);
     * let ret_1: bool = obj.transfer(account1, account2, money);
     * let ret_2: bool = obj.deposit(account, money);
     * let ret_3: bool = obj.withdraw(account, money);

We can also implement transfer using withdraw and deposit.

  • bool transfer(int from, int to, long long money) {
        return valid(to) && withdraw(from, money) && deposit(to, money);
  • class Bank:
        def __init__(self, balance: List[int]):
            self.balance = balance
            self.n = len(balance)
        def transfer(self, account1: int, account2: int, money: int) -> bool:
            if account1 > self.n or account2 > self.n or self.balance[account1 - 1] < money:
                return False
            self.balance[account1 - 1] -= money
            self.balance[account2 - 1] += money
            return True
        def deposit(self, account: int, money: int) -> bool:
            if account > self.n:
                return False
            self.balance[account - 1] += money
            return True
        def withdraw(self, account: int, money: int) -> bool:
            if account > self.n or self.balance[account - 1] < money:
                return False
            self.balance[account - 1] -= money
            return True
    # Your Bank object will be instantiated and called as such:
    # obj = Bank(balance)
    # param_1 = obj.transfer(account1,account2,money)
    # param_2 = obj.deposit(account,money)
    # param_3 = obj.withdraw(account,money)
    # 2043. Simple Bank System
    # https://leetcode.com/problems/simple-bank-system/
    class Bank:
        def __init__(self, balance: List[int]):
            self.banks = [0] + balance
            self.n = len(balance)
        def transfer(self, account1: int, account2: int, money: int) -> bool:
            if 1 <= account1 <= self.n and 1 <= account2 <= self.n and self.banks[account1] >= money:
                self.banks[account1] -= money
                self.banks[account2] += money
                return True
            return False
        def deposit(self, account: int, money: int) -> bool:
            if 1 <= account <= self.n:
                self.banks[account] += money
                return True
            return False
        def withdraw(self, account: int, money: int) -> bool:
            if 1 <= account <= self.n and self.banks[account] >= money:
                self.banks[account] -= money
                return True
            return False
    # Your Bank object will be instantiated and called as such:
    # obj = Bank(balance)
    # param_1 = obj.transfer(account1,account2,money)
    # param_2 = obj.deposit(account,money)
    # param_3 = obj.withdraw(account,money)
  • class Bank {
        private long[] balance;
        private int n;
        public Bank(long[] balance) {
            this.balance = balance;
            this.n = balance.length;
        public boolean transfer(int account1, int account2, long money) {
            if (account1 > n || account2 > n || balance[account1 - 1] < money) {
                return false;
            balance[account1 - 1] -= money;
            balance[account2 - 1] += money;
            return true;
        public boolean deposit(int account, long money) {
            if (account > n) {
                return false;
            balance[account - 1] += money;
            return true;
        public boolean withdraw(int account, long money) {
            if (account > n || balance[account - 1] < money) {
                return false;
            balance[account - 1] -= money;
            return true;
     * Your Bank object will be instantiated and called as such:
     * Bank obj = new Bank(balance);
     * boolean param_1 = obj.transfer(account1,account2,money);
     * boolean param_2 = obj.deposit(account,money);
     * boolean param_3 = obj.withdraw(account,money);
  • type Bank struct {
    	balance []int64
    	n       int
    func Constructor(balance []int64) Bank {
    	return Bank{balance, len(balance)}
    func (this *Bank) Transfer(account1 int, account2 int, money int64) bool {
    	if account1 > this.n || account2 > this.n || this.balance[account1-1] < money {
    		return false
    	this.balance[account1-1] -= money
    	this.balance[account2-1] += money
    	return true
    func (this *Bank) Deposit(account int, money int64) bool {
    	if account > this.n {
    		return false
    	this.balance[account-1] += money
    	return true
    func (this *Bank) Withdraw(account int, money int64) bool {
    	if account > this.n || this.balance[account-1] < money {
    		return false
    	this.balance[account-1] -= money
    	return true
     * Your Bank object will be instantiated and called as such:
     * obj := Constructor(balance);
     * param_1 := obj.Transfer(account1,account2,money);
     * param_2 := obj.Deposit(account,money);
     * param_3 := obj.Withdraw(account,money);
  • class Bank {
        balance: number[];
        constructor(balance: number[]) {
            this.balance = balance;
        transfer(account1: number, account2: number, money: number): boolean {
            if (
                account1 > this.balance.length ||
                account2 > this.balance.length ||
                money > this.balance[account1 - 1]
                return false;
            this.balance[account1 - 1] -= money;
            this.balance[account2 - 1] += money;
            return true;
        deposit(account: number, money: number): boolean {
            if (account > this.balance.length) return false;
            this.balance[account - 1] += money;
            return true;
        withdraw(account: number, money: number): boolean {
            if (
                account > this.balance.length ||
                money > this.balance[account - 1]
            ) {
                return false;
            this.balance[account - 1] -= money;
            return true;
     * Your Bank object will be instantiated and called as such:
     * var obj = new Bank(balance)
     * var param_1 = obj.transfer(account1,account2,money)
     * var param_2 = obj.deposit(account,money)
     * var param_3 = obj.withdraw(account,money)
  • struct Bank {
        balance: Vec<i64>,
     * `&self` means the method takes an immutable reference.
     * If you need a mutable reference, change it to `&mut self` instead.
    impl Bank {
        fn new(balance: Vec<i64>) -> Self {
            Bank { balance }
        fn transfer(&mut self, account1: i32, account2: i32, money: i64) -> bool {
            let (account1, account2, n) = (account1 as usize, account2 as usize, self.balance.len());
            if n < account1 || n < account2 {
                return false;
            if self.balance[account1 - 1] < money {
                return false;
            self.balance[account1 - 1] -= money;
            self.balance[account2 - 1] += money;
        fn deposit(&mut self, account: i32, money: i64) -> bool {
            let (account,  n) = (account as usize, self.balance.len());
            if n < account {
                return false;
            self.balance[account - 1] += money;
        fn withdraw(&mut self, account: i32, money: i64) -> bool {
            let (account,  n) = (account as usize, self.balance.len());
            if n < account {
                return false;
            if self.balance[account - 1] < money {
                return false;
            self.balance[account - 1] -= money;
     * Your Bank object will be instantiated and called as such:
     * let obj = Bank::new(balance);
     * let ret_1: bool = obj.transfer(account1, account2, money);
     * let ret_2: bool = obj.deposit(account, money);
     * let ret_3: bool = obj.withdraw(account, money);



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