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2002. Maximum Product of the Length of Two Palindromic Subsequences


Given a string s, find two disjoint palindromic subsequences of s such that the product of their lengths is maximized. The two subsequences are disjoint if they do not both pick a character at the same index.

Return the maximum possible product of the lengths of the two palindromic subsequences.

A subsequence is a string that can be derived from another string by deleting some or no characters without changing the order of the remaining characters. A string is palindromic if it reads the same forward and backward.


Example 1:


Input: s = "leetcodecom"
Output: 9
Explanation: An optimal solution is to choose "ete" for the 1st subsequence and "cdc" for the 2nd subsequence.
The product of their lengths is: 3 * 3 = 9.

Example 2:

Input: s = "bb"
Output: 1
Explanation: An optimal solution is to choose "b" (the first character) for the 1st subsequence and "b" (the second character) for the 2nd subsequence.
The product of their lengths is: 1 * 1 = 1.

Example 3:

Input: s = "accbcaxxcxx"
Output: 25
Explanation: An optimal solution is to choose "accca" for the 1st subsequence and "xxcxx" for the 2nd subsequence.
The product of their lengths is: 5 * 5 = 25.



  • 2 <= s.length <= 12
  • s consists of lowercase English letters only.


Solution 1: Binary Enumeration

We notice that the length of the string $s$ does not exceed $12$, so we can use the method of binary enumeration to enumerate all subsequences of $s$. Suppose the length of $s$ is $n$, we can use $2^n$ binary numbers of length $n$ to represent all subsequences of $s$. For each binary number, the $i$-th bit being $1$ means the $i$-th character of $s$ is in the subsequence, and $0$ means it is not in the subsequence. For each binary number, we judge whether it is a palindrome subsequence and record it in the array $p$.

Next, we enumerate each number $i$ in $p$. If $i$ is a palindrome subsequence, then we can enumerate a number $j$ from the complement of $i$, $mx = (2^n - 1) \oplus i$. If $j$ is also a palindrome subsequence, then $i$ and $j$ are the two palindrome subsequences we are looking for. Their lengths are the number of $1$s in the binary representation of $i$ and $j$, denoted as $a$ and $b$, respectively. Then their product is $a \times b$. We take the maximum of all possible $a \times b$.

The time complexity is $(2^n \times n + 3^n)$, and the space complexity is $O(2^n)$. Here, $n$ is the length of the string $s$.

  • class Solution {
        public int maxProduct(String s) {
            int n = s.length();
            boolean[] p = new boolean[1 << n];
            Arrays.fill(p, true);
            for (int k = 1; k < 1 << n; ++k) {
                for (int i = 0, j = n - 1; i < n; ++i, --j) {
                    while (i < j && (k >> i & 1) == 0) {
                    while (i < j && (k >> j & 1) == 0) {
                    if (i < j && s.charAt(i) != s.charAt(j)) {
                        p[k] = false;
            int ans = 0;
            for (int i = 1; i < 1 << n; ++i) {
                if (p[i]) {
                    int a = Integer.bitCount(i);
                    int mx = ((1 << n) - 1) ^ i;
                    for (int j = mx; j > 0; j = (j - 1) & mx) {
                        if (p[j]) {
                            int b = Integer.bitCount(j);
                            ans = Math.max(ans, a * b);
            return ans;
  • class Solution {
        int maxProduct(string s) {
            int n = s.size();
            vector<bool> p(1 << n, true);
            for (int k = 1; k < 1 << n; ++k) {
                for (int i = 0, j = n - 1; i < j; ++i, --j) {
                    while (i < j && !(k >> i & 1)) {
                    while (i < j && !(k >> j & 1)) {
                    if (i < j && s[i] != s[j]) {
                        p[k] = false;
            int ans = 0;
            for (int i = 1; i < 1 << n; ++i) {
                if (p[i]) {
                    int a = __builtin_popcount(i);
                    int mx = ((1 << n) - 1) ^ i;
                    for (int j = mx; j; j = (j - 1) & mx) {
                        if (p[j]) {
                            int b = __builtin_popcount(j);
                            ans = max(ans, a * b);
            return ans;
  • class Solution:
        def maxProduct(self, s: str) -> int:
            n = len(s)
            p = [True] * (1 << n)
            for k in range(1, 1 << n):
                i, j = 0, n - 1
                while i < j:
                    while i < j and (k >> i & 1) == 0:
                        i += 1
                    while i < j and (k >> j & 1) == 0:
                        j -= 1
                    if i < j and s[i] != s[j]:
                        p[k] = False
                    i, j = i + 1, j - 1
            ans = 0
            for i in range(1, 1 << n):
                if p[i]:
                    mx = ((1 << n) - 1) ^ i
                    j = mx
                    a = i.bit_count()
                    while j:
                        if p[j]:
                            b = j.bit_count()
                            ans = max(ans, a * b)
                        j = (j - 1) & mx
            return ans
  • func maxProduct(s string) (ans int) {
    	n := len(s)
    	p := make([]bool, 1<<n)
    	for i := range p {
    		p[i] = true
    	for k := 1; k < 1<<n; k++ {
    		for i, j := 0, n-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
    			for i < j && (k>>i&1) == 0 {
    			for i < j && (k>>j&1) == 0 {
    			if i < j && s[i] != s[j] {
    				p[k] = false
    	for i := 1; i < 1<<n; i++ {
    		if p[i] {
    			a := bits.OnesCount(uint(i))
    			mx := (1<<n - 1) ^ i
    			for j := mx; j > 0; j = (j - 1) & mx {
    				if p[j] {
    					b := bits.OnesCount(uint(j))
    					ans = max(ans, a*b)

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