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1978. Employees Whose Manager Left the Company


Table: Employees

| Column Name | Type     |
| employee_id | int      |
| name        | varchar  |
| manager_id  | int      |
| salary      | int      |
In SQL, employee_id is the primary key for this table.
This table contains information about the employees, their salary, and the ID of their manager. Some employees do not have a manager (manager_id is null). 


Find the IDs of the employees whose salary is strictly less than $30000 and whose manager left the company. When a manager leaves the company, their information is deleted from the Employees table, but the reports still have their manager_id set to the manager that left.

Return the result table ordered by employee_id.

The result format is in the following example.


Example 1:

Employees table:
| employee_id | name      | manager_id | salary |
| 3           | Mila      | 9          | 60301  |
| 12          | Antonella | null       | 31000  |
| 13          | Emery     | null       | 67084  |
| 1           | Kalel     | 11         | 21241  |
| 9           | Mikaela   | null       | 50937  |
| 11          | Joziah    | 6          | 28485  |
| employee_id |
| 11          |

The employees with a salary less than $30000 are 1 (Kalel) and 11 (Joziah).
Kalel's manager is employee 11, who is still in the company (Joziah).
Joziah's manager is employee 6, who left the company because there is no row for employee 6 as it was deleted.


Solution 1: Left Join

We can use a left join to connect the employee table with itself, and then filter out the employees whose salary is less than $30000$ and have a superior manager who has left the company.

Solution 2: Subquery

We can also use a subquery to first find all the managers who have left the company, and then find the employees whose salary is less than $30000$ and whose superior manager is not in the list of managers who have left the company.

  • # Write your MySQL query statement below
    SELECT e1.employee_id
        Employees AS e1
        LEFT JOIN Employees AS e2 ON e1.manager_id = e2.employee_id
    WHERE e1.salary < 30000 AND e1.manager_id IS NOT NULL AND e2.employee_id IS NULL
    ORDER BY 1;

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