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1743. Restore the Array From Adjacent Pairs
There is an integer array nums
that consists of n
unique elements, but you have forgotten it. However, you do remember every pair of adjacent elements in nums
You are given a 2D integer array adjacentPairs
of size n - 1
where each adjacentPairs[i] = [u_i, v_i]
indicates that the elements u_i
and v_i
are adjacent in nums
It is guaranteed that every adjacent pair of elements nums[i]
and nums[i+1]
will exist in adjacentPairs
, either as [nums[i], nums[i+1]]
or [nums[i+1], nums[i]]
. The pairs can appear in any order.
Return the original array nums
. If there are multiple solutions, return any of them.
Example 1:
Input: adjacentPairs = [[2,1],[3,4],[3,2]]
Output: [1,2,3,4]
Explanation: This array has all its adjacent pairs in adjacentPairs.
Notice that adjacentPairs[i] may not be in left-to-right order.
Example 2:
Input: adjacentPairs = [[4,-2],[1,4],[-3,1]]
Output: [-2,4,1,-3]
Explanation: There can be negative numbers.
Another solution is [-3,1,4,-2], which would also be accepted.
Example 3:
Input: adjacentPairs = [[100000,-100000]]
Output: [100000,-100000]
nums.length == n
adjacentPairs.length == n - 1
adjacentPairs[i].length == 2
2 <= n <= 10^5
-10^5 <= nums[i], ui, vi <= 10^5
- There exists some
that hasadjacentPairs
as its pairs.
All elements in nums
occur twice in adjacentPairs
except the two elements that are at the start and the end of nums
. Therefore, start from the two elements that occur only once in adjacentPairs
, put them at index 0 and index n - 1
of nums
respectively. The two elements at indices 1 and n - 2
can be determined as well. For i
from 1 to n - 2
, obtain the adjacent numbers of nums[i]
and set nums[i + 1]
as the remaining element (that is differnet from nums[i - 1]
). Finally, return nums
class Solution { public int[] restoreArray(int[][] adjacentPairs) { Map<Integer, List<Integer>> map = new HashMap<Integer, List<Integer>>(); for (int[] adjacentPair : adjacentPairs) { int num1 = adjacentPair[0], num2 = adjacentPair[1]; List<Integer> list1 = map.getOrDefault(num1, new ArrayList<Integer>()); List<Integer> list2 = map.getOrDefault(num2, new ArrayList<Integer>()); list1.add(num2); list2.add(num1); map.put(num1, list1); map.put(num2, list2); } int length = adjacentPairs.length + 1; int[] nums = new int[length]; boolean flag = false; Set<Integer> set = map.keySet(); for (int num : set) { List<Integer> list = map.get(num); if (list.size() == 1) { if (!flag) { nums[0] = num; nums[1] = list.get(0); flag = true; } else { nums[length - 1] = num; nums[length - 2] = list.get(0); } } } for (int i = 1; i < length - 1; i++) { int num = nums[i]; List<Integer> list = map.get(num); for (int adjacent : list) { if (adjacent != nums[i - 1]) { nums[i + 1] = adjacent; break; } } } return nums; } } ############ class Solution { public int[] restoreArray(int[][] adjacentPairs) { int n = adjacentPairs.length + 1; Map<Integer, List<Integer>> g = new HashMap<>(); for (int[] e : adjacentPairs) { int a = e[0], b = e[1]; g.computeIfAbsent(a, k -> new ArrayList<>()).add(b); g.computeIfAbsent(b, k -> new ArrayList<>()).add(a); } int[] ans = new int[n]; for (Map.Entry<Integer, List<Integer>> entry : g.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().size() == 1) { ans[0] = entry.getKey(); ans[1] = entry.getValue().get(0); break; } } for (int i = 2; i < n; ++i) { List<Integer> v = g.get(ans[i - 1]); ans[i] = v.get(1) == ans[i - 2] ? v.get(0) : v.get(1); } return ans; } }
class Solution: def restoreArray(self, adjacentPairs: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]: g = defaultdict(list) for a, b in adjacentPairs: g[a].append(b) g[b].append(a) n = len(adjacentPairs) + 1 ans = [0] * n for i, v in g.items(): if len(v) == 1: ans[0] = i ans[1] = v[0] break for i in range(2, n): v = g[ans[i - 1]] ans[i] = v[0] if v[1] == ans[i - 2] else v[1] return ans ############ # 1743. Restore the Array From Adjacent Pairs # https://leetcode.com/problems/restore-the-array-from-adjacent-pairs class Solution: def restoreArray(self, adjacentPairs: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]: neigh = collections.defaultdict(list) res = [] for a,b in adjacentPairs: neigh[a].append(b) neigh[b].append(a) for nei in neigh: if len(neigh[nei]) == 1: res.append(nei) res.append(neigh[nei][0]) break while len(res) < len(adjacentPairs) + 1: prev, head = res[len(res)-2], res[-1] nei = neigh[head] if nei[0] == prev: res.append(nei[1]) else: res.append(nei[0]) return res
class Solution { public: vector<int> restoreArray(vector<vector<int>>& adjacentPairs) { int n = adjacentPairs.size() + 1; unordered_map<int, vector<int>> g; for (auto& e : adjacentPairs) { int a = e[0], b = e[1]; g[a].push_back(b); g[b].push_back(a); } vector<int> ans(n); for (auto& [k, v] : g) { if (v.size() == 1) { ans[0] = k; ans[1] = v[0]; break; } } for (int i = 2; i < n; ++i) { auto v = g[ans[i - 1]]; ans[i] = v[0] == ans[i - 2] ? v[1] : v[0]; } return ans; } };
func restoreArray(adjacentPairs [][]int) []int { n := len(adjacentPairs) + 1 g := map[int][]int{} for _, e := range adjacentPairs { a, b := e[0], e[1] g[a] = append(g[a], b) g[b] = append(g[b], a) } ans := make([]int, n) for k, v := range g { if len(v) == 1 { ans[0] = k ans[1] = v[0] break } } for i := 2; i < n; i++ { v := g[ans[i-1]] ans[i] = v[0] if v[0] == ans[i-2] { ans[i] = v[1] } } return ans }
public class Solution { public int[] RestoreArray(int[][] adjacentPairs) { int n = adjacentPairs.Length + 1; Dictionary<int, List<int>> g = new Dictionary<int, List<int>>(); foreach (int[] e in adjacentPairs) { int a = e[0], b = e[1]; if (!g.ContainsKey(a)) { g[a] = new List<int>(); } if (!g.ContainsKey(b)) { g[b] = new List<int>(); } g[a].Add(b); g[b].Add(a); } int[] ans = new int[n]; foreach (var entry in g) { if (entry.Value.Count == 1) { ans[0] = entry.Key; ans[1] = entry.Value[0]; break; } } for (int i = 2; i < n; ++i) { List<int> v = g[ans[i - 1]]; ans[i] = v[1] == ans[i - 2] ? v[0] : v[1]; } return ans; } }