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1240. Tiling a Rectangle with the Fewest Squares


Given a rectangle of size n x m, return the minimum number of integer-sided squares that tile the rectangle.


Example 1:

Input: n = 2, m = 3
Output: 3
Explanation: 3 squares are necessary to cover the rectangle.
2 (squares of 1x1)
1 (square of 2x2)

Example 2:

Input: n = 5, m = 8
Output: 5

Example 3:

Input: n = 11, m = 13
Output: 6



  • 1 <= n, m <= 13


Solution 1: Recursive Backtracking + State Compression

We can perform recursive backtracking by position, during which we use a variable $t$ to record the current number of tiles used.

  • If $j = m$, i.e., the $i$-th row has been completely filled, then we recurse to the next row, i.e., $(i + 1, 0)$.
  • If $i = n$, it means that all positions have been filled, we update the answer and return.
  • If the current position $(i, j)$ has been filled, then directly recurse to the next position $(i, j + 1)$.
  • Otherwise, we enumerate the maximum square side length $w$ that the current position $(i, j)$ can fill, and fill all positions from $(i, j)$ to $(i + w - 1, j + w - 1)$, then recurse to the next position $(i, j + w)$. When backtracking, we need to clear all positions from $(i, j)$ to $(i + w - 1, j + w - 1)$.

Since each position only has two states: filled or not filled, we can use an integer to represent the current state. We use an integer array $filled$ of length $n$, where $filled[i]$ represents the state of the $i$-th row. If the $j$-th bit of $filled[i]$ is $1$, it means that the $i$-th row and the $j$-th column have been filled, otherwise it means not filled.

  • class Solution {
        private int n;
        private int m;
        private int[] filled;
        private int ans;
        public int tilingRectangle(int n, int m) {
            this.n = n;
            this.m = m;
            ans = n * m;
            filled = new int[n];
            dfs(0, 0, 0);
            return ans;
        private void dfs(int i, int j, int t) {
            if (j == m) {
                j = 0;
            if (i == n) {
                ans = t;
            if ((filled[i] >> j & 1) == 1) {
                dfs(i, j + 1, t);
            } else if (t + 1 < ans) {
                int r = 0, c = 0;
                for (int k = i; k < n; ++k) {
                    if ((filled[k] >> j & 1) == 1) {
                for (int k = j; k < m; ++k) {
                    if ((filled[i] >> k & 1) == 1) {
                int mx = Math.min(r, c);
                for (int w = 1; w <= mx; ++w) {
                    for (int k = 0; k < w; ++k) {
                        filled[i + w - 1] |= 1 << (j + k);
                        filled[i + k] |= 1 << (j + w - 1);
                    dfs(i, j + w, t + 1);
                for (int x = i; x < i + mx; ++x) {
                    for (int y = j; y < j + mx; ++y) {
                        filled[x] ^= 1 << y;
  • class Solution {
        int tilingRectangle(int n, int m) {
            memset(filled, 0, sizeof(filled));
            this->n = n;
            this->m = m;
            ans = n * m;
            dfs(0, 0, 0);
            return ans;
        int filled[13];
        int n, m;
        int ans;
        void dfs(int i, int j, int t) {
            if (j == m) {
                j = 0;
            if (i == n) {
                ans = t;
            if (filled[i] >> j & 1) {
                dfs(i, j + 1, t);
            } else if (t + 1 < ans) {
                int r = 0, c = 0;
                for (int k = i; k < n; ++k) {
                    if (filled[k] >> j & 1) {
                for (int k = j; k < m; ++k) {
                    if (filled[i] >> k & 1) {
                int mx = min(r, c);
                for (int w = 1; w <= mx; ++w) {
                    for (int k = 0; k < w; ++k) {
                        filled[i + w - 1] |= 1 << (j + k);
                        filled[i + k] |= 1 << (j + w - 1);
                    dfs(i, j + w, t + 1);
                for (int x = i; x < i + mx; ++x) {
                    for (int y = j; y < j + mx; ++y) {
                        filled[x] ^= 1 << y;
  • class Solution:
        def tilingRectangle(self, n: int, m: int) -> int:
            def dfs(i: int, j: int, t: int):
                nonlocal ans
                if j == m:
                    i += 1
                    j = 0
                if i == n:
                    ans = t
                if filled[i] >> j & 1:
                    dfs(i, j + 1, t)
                elif t + 1 < ans:
                    r = c = 0
                    for k in range(i, n):
                        if filled[k] >> j & 1:
                        r += 1
                    for k in range(j, m):
                        if filled[i] >> k & 1:
                        c += 1
                    mx = r if r < c else c
                    for w in range(1, mx + 1):
                        for k in range(w):
                            filled[i + w - 1] |= 1 << (j + k)
                            filled[i + k] |= 1 << (j + w - 1)
                        dfs(i, j + w, t + 1)
                    for x in range(i, i + mx):
                        for y in range(j, j + mx):
                            filled[x] ^= 1 << y
            ans = n * m
            filled = [0] * n
            dfs(0, 0, 0)
            return ans
  • func tilingRectangle(n int, m int) int {
    	ans := n * m
    	filled := make([]int, n)
    	var dfs func(i, j, t int)
    	dfs = func(i, j, t int) {
    		if j == m {
    			j = 0
    		if i == n {
    			ans = t
    		if filled[i]>>j&1 == 1 {
    			dfs(i, j+1, t)
    		} else if t+1 < ans {
    			var r, c int
    			for k := i; k < n; k++ {
    				if filled[k]>>j&1 == 1 {
    			for k := j; k < m; k++ {
    				if filled[i]>>k&1 == 1 {
    			mx := min(r, c)
    			for w := 1; w <= mx; w++ {
    				for k := 0; k < w; k++ {
    					filled[i+w-1] |= 1 << (j + k)
    					filled[i+k] |= 1 << (j + w - 1)
    				dfs(i, j+w, t+1)
    			for x := i; x < i+mx; x++ {
    				for y := j; y < j+mx; y++ {
    					filled[x] ^= 1 << y
    	dfs(0, 0, 0)
    	return ans
  • function tilingRectangle(n: number, m: number): number {
        let ans = n * m;
        const filled: number[] = new Array(n).fill(0);
        const dfs = (i: number, j: number, t: number) => {
            if (j === m) {
                j = 0;
            if (i === n) {
                ans = t;
            if ((filled[i] >> j) & 1) {
                dfs(i, j + 1, t);
            } else if (t + 1 < ans) {
                let [r, c] = [0, 0];
                for (let k = i; k < n; ++k) {
                    if ((filled[k] >> j) & 1) {
                for (let k = j; k < m; ++k) {
                    if ((filled[i] >> k) & 1) {
                const mx = Math.min(r, c);
                for (let w = 1; w <= mx; ++w) {
                    for (let k = 0; k < w; ++k) {
                        filled[i + w - 1] |= 1 << (j + k);
                        filled[i + k] |= 1 << (j + w - 1);
                    dfs(i, j + w, t + 1);
                for (let x = i; x < i + mx; ++x) {
                    for (let y = j; y < j + mx; ++y) {
                        filled[x] ^= 1 << y;
        dfs(0, 0, 0);
        return ans;

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