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1212. Team Scores in Football Tournament

Table: Teams

| Column Name   | Type     |
| team_id       | int      |
| team_name     | varchar  |
team_id is the primary key of this table.
Each row of this table represents a single football team.

Table: Matches

| Column Name   | Type    |
| match_id      | int     |
| host_team     | int     |
| guest_team    | int     |
| host_goals    | int     |
| guest_goals   | int     |
match_id is the primary key of this table.
Each row is a record of a finished match between two different teams.
Teams host_team and guest_team are represented by their IDs in the teams table (team_id) and they scored host_goals and guest_goals goals respectively.


You would like to compute the scores of all teams after all matches. Points are awarded as follows:

Write an SQL query that selects the team_id, team_name and num_points of each team in the tournament after all described matches. Result table should be ordered by num_points (decreasing order). In case of a tie, order the records by team_id (increasing order).

The query result format is in the following example:

Teams table:
| team_id   | team_name    |
| 10        | Leetcode FC  |
| 20        | NewYork FC   |
| 30        | Atlanta FC   |
| 40        | Chicago FC   |
| 50        | Toronto FC   |

Matches table:
| match_id   | host_team    | guest_team    | host_goals  | guest_goals  |
| 1          | 10           | 20            | 3           | 0            |
| 2          | 30           | 10            | 2           | 2            |
| 3          | 10           | 50            | 5           | 1            |
| 4          | 20           | 30            | 1           | 0            |
| 5          | 50           | 30            | 1           | 0            |

Result table:
| team_id    | team_name    | num_points    |
| 10         | Leetcode FC  | 7             |
| 20         | NewYork FC   | 3             |
| 50         | Toronto FC   | 3             |
| 30         | Atlanta FC   | 1             |
| 40         | Chicago FC   | 0             |






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